应届毕业生第一份工作 应届毕业生第一份工作的选择有多重要?应该考虑清楚些什么?











It’s extremely important. But not just because of how it influences your professionalism, work habits, and approach to doing things, which impact everything you do as a professional. The biggest reason your first job is so critical is because of how it affects your attitude and outlook towards your ability to pursue and achieve a successful career.

If you begin your career working in an unprofessional environment, with a bad boss, or with unmotivated, negative colleagues, these will have a big influence on how you view and approach future jobs and career opportunities.

Unfortunately, I meet many young people who are already quite skeptical and negative. They’re just starting their career, but already feel doubtful and hopeless about their ability to achieve a good future for themselves. When you only have one job and company as a benchmark, and it’s a negative one, it’s not surprising that your attitude and point of view will become negative.

Then you’re on a slippery slope. For instance, I’ve shared the same career insights and advice with many professionals over the years. Many embrace and apply what I tell them. But many others have continuous doubts whether my advice can really help work, no matter what I tell them. They’re not even willing to try. Their view of things and overall way of thinking are damaged. Some never recover from their early, negative experiences.

To avoid a bad experience in your first job, the most important thing I tell people is to assess the whole platform, not just the job. Here are 3 basic indicators that can help you tell if a platform is a good or bad one.

1) Who uses or pays for what they do? – Top companies and clients want very good products and services. So if a company you’re considering has such clients, they must be able to produce and deliver something of high quality and high standard. And this means that their work environment nurtures these things too. But if a company’s clients, products, or services are lower tier, then that’s also a reflection of the lower quality and standards that you’ll experience on their platform.

2) How motivated and energized are the people you see? – When you walk into a company, is everything slow and quiet? Do the employees appear inactive and disinterested? Or does the place seem busy and energetic? Do people look engaged and purposeful? They call this the “vibe” of the office and people in it. If there’s a good vibe, that’s a good sign. If there’s not a good vibe, that’s not such a good sign. Again, the energy of an office and its employees say a lot about the type of company you’ll be joining.

3) How do people feel about their development and future in the company? – Also pay attention to the background and experience of the people in the company. Ask the ones you meet how long they’ve been in the company and what level they started at. Did their career grow under their boss, department, and company? What kind of development opportunities have they seen? Have they experienced promotions, increased responsibilities, and new opportunities? If so, that’s good. If not, that’s not so good.

Even though you lack experience as a fresh graduate, you need to be smart and selective about your first job. Join a good job situation and you’re much more likely to develop a good approach and positive outlook towards your career and future. Pick a bad job situation early on and you’ll spend a lot of energy and effort just trying to stay positive and proactive about your career and future. Don’t let that happen!


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