making a murderer 如何评价 Netflix 纪录片《制造杀人犯》(Making a Murderer)?

在《制造杀人犯》播出之后,Steven的律师和主播Michelle Li在FB上做了一次直播访谈,Dean在视频中回答了许多FB用户针对案子提出的问题。这些问题主要是关于Halbach案件的庭审,比如为什么Steven没有出庭作证,为什么控方可以用不同的理论分别起诉Steven和Brendan。

视频在油管上有,标题是defense attorney dean strang answers your making a murderer questions(补上链接:)。我看完之后觉得Dean在里面聊到的内容很好的补充了纪录片中省略的部分。有些问题也是在看纪录片时一直不懂的,Dean解释了之后感觉对辩方策略有更清晰的理解。所以我将主要的问题和Dean的回答听写了下来,简单翻译了一下,贴在下文大家看看。

Why was no one held accountable for the obvious fraud, tampering with evidence and misconduct of office?

Dean: A criminal trial is all about whether to hold the one person accused accountable or not, whether he’s proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt or not. The conduct of other people may have a bearing on the verdict as to the guy on trial. But a criminal trial doesn’t address other people’s responsibility or misconduct.

You’d have to go other steps, a civil trial, administrative proceedings.



Why didn’t Dean put his client on the stand. The jury would have better understood Avery and realized he wasn’t capable of thinking through a murder and cover-up. The guy is simply not intelligent enough to convincingly lie.

Dean: Can’t talk about that directly because it bumps into attorney-client privilege to which steven is entitled.

It’s not the lawyer who decides whether the accused will or will not testify. It has to be the assused’s decision whether to testify or not.There are all kinds of reasons innocent people don’t testify. They may be very poor public speakers, they may be afraid of speaking publicly, they may not be in aid of English speakers(not particularly in Steven’s case), they might have done other things that would come out and make them look bad if they testify, maybe they’ve got prior convictions(those are miserable if you testify).

There are also reasons guilty people do testify.

It’s a much more complicated decision for the accused with advice from lawyers than just “boy if I didn’t do anything wrong I’d get up and tell twelve strangers I didn’t do anything wrong”


被告是否出庭作证是由被告自己决定的,律师能做的只是给建议给他。由于律师和当事人的保密特权, Dean不能直接解释为什么Steven不作证。但是需要明白的是,清白者出于各种原因,会选择不去出庭作证。他们可能害怕公开讲话,可能英语讲的不好, 也可能之前有别的犯罪记录会在交叉质询时被控方加以利用。而明知自己有罪的人也会出于各种原因选择作证。


Why did they allow the evidence from Manitowoc county sheriff’s department to be used in court when they are specifically told they could not search the property?

Dean: It was the decision the department made not to participate. We had no legal right to insist the evidence was no good simply because of who may have found it.



Mr Strang, I think you and Mr Buting did an excellent job presenting reasonable doubt in the face of clear prejudice. How did you overcome the obvious disappointment you must have felt?

Dean: I’ve lost before [laugh]. It’s hard to lose, but for me I’d rather make the effort and be in the fight than not join the fight at all.



Is it true that Steven Avery’s jury contained a father of Manitowoc county sheriffs deputy and the wife of a Manitowoc county clerk of courts employee? Why did the defense allow this? Why was it not mentioned in the Netflix series?

Dean: It has the father of a sheriff’s deputy on it and there was a relative who’s connected to the clerk’s office(I’ve lost the detail). One of the reasons is that you don’t pick a jury, what you do remove the potential jurors that you most want to remove, but you only get six strikes for no cause at all, once people have passed muster as possibly unbiased and able to serve. So you only can remove the six people who you are most concerned about. We exercised our peremptory strikes and State exercised all of its. But you are left with some people that you wouldn’t necessarily pick or you making that choice at the outset. You are not selecting the jury, you are sort of de-selecting who are least fit to serve on the jury.



Why wasn’t it moved to a different city, town or county?

Dean: After the March 2, 2006 press conference that the lead prosecutor held, there wasn’t a county in the 72 counties of Wisconsin we could’ve gone to that wasn’t massively affected by that lurid press conference which only later proved to be largely unsupportable by the facts. But it was there, almost a year before the trial. So we opted to stay with the jury in the county that at least was familiar with the sheriff’s department and probably most familiar with the history of Mr Avery’s involvement with the sheriff’s department. There really was nowhere we could’ve gone or we would have had a jury that was a blank slate.




How can they charge Avery for it happened in the garage and Dassey in the bedroom and so forth because the two don’t even match. So how can they be charged for crimes that don’t even match up?

Dean: The formal question there from a lawyer’s perspective would be “Does due process allow prosecution to present inconsistent theories of guilt in two separate trials”.

(Have you seen it happened before?)

I have seen it happened before. The case’s law, the courts, on this, have been disappointingly unclear about what the limits are of prosecution’s ability to do that. Regardless of what the courts say, if ultimately my profession is dedicated to a search for the truth, presenting irreconcilable theories to two different groups of citizen jurors can’t possibly serve a search for truth.




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