这样和领导说话最聪明 和领导沟通的技巧有哪些?
















As a boss and CEO, here are 3 key things that I tell our young staff to always keep in mind when communicating with their supervisor, or someone like me. They’re actually highly practical communication tips more than communication skills. By applying them, I guarantee that your ability to communicate more effectively with your boss and other senior managers in your company will improve considerably.

1)Tell them what you think – The first thing I tell our young staff about speaking with theirsupervisor is to have an opinion and let them know what you think. Many young professionals will start to just talk and give me information, without really saying clearly how they feel about the situation they’re talking about.

If you work for a leader like me though, we don’t just want information from you. You’re the one close to the situation. You know the details of what’s going on much better than me. So we want to hear what you think about what you’re talking about.

Examples: “Actually, I think this is a very good way for us to . . .” “Personally, I don’t really like this approach to . . . “ “Although I understand why we do it this way, I believe a better way to do it may be to . . .”

Actually, expressing your point of view and opinion to someone else forces you to be prepared and knowledgeable about what you’re talking about. As your leader, this is exactly what we expect of you, and what you should expect of yourself when speaking with us.

2) Hit the point – Similarly, just tell us what you want or what you need. Usually, you’re talking to us because you want to deliver/share some information, seek our feedback/input, convince us to do something, make a request, or seek our help. As a result, just state what your purpose is upfront in your very first sentence to give us a clear idea of what you want from us.

Examples: “I’d like to arrange a lunch with a potential, new client so would like to get your approval on this. Mainly, I believe this client can offer us a great opportunity to . . . ” “I’m in the process of getting feedback from our users about how they view our website so would like to get your input on . . . ” “Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re going to meet our deadline tomorrow so I want to get your thoughts on what we should say to the client.”

Clearly, the reason you’re talking to me is that you have a clear purpose or objective in mind. So just say it. Otherwise, why exactly are you talking to me?

3)Just keep it simple – Whenever I used to speak to senior managers early in my career, I thought I needed to sound very smart and articulate. I would try to use longer sentences, bigger words and speak more formally. But just before one meeting where I had to present some information to the head of our department, my boss told me to just keep what I had to say straightforward and simple. He explained to me that this is how busy businesspeople speak with each other. In fact, the most straightforward, simplest way for me to share what I wanted to say was to just state things very briefly, 1, 2, 3.

Example: “When you have some time, there 3 things I’d like to get your feedback on. The first is your overall thoughts on my proposal draft. The second is your recommendations on how to improve it. And the third is your opinion on how convincing or attractive the entire proposal is.”

The main point of any business communication is to be understood. How you say something doesn’t impress others. What you say does. Stating things 1, 2, 3 is not sexy. But as a busy person, I don’t want or need sexy. I just want clear and straightforward. You can’t get any more straightforward than by putting things 1, 2, 3.

Most leaders I know are busy and results-oriented. They’re also experienced or already familiar with your topic in most cases. That’s why they’re a leader. The more senior their level the more they’re like this.

So when talking to them don’t overthink and overdo how you need to say something. You don’t need to sound more intelligent or more formal when you communicate with them. In fact, do the opposite. Less complex and less formal is how you want to speak.

They know you’re talking to them for a reason. So just keep what you want to tell them simple and to the point. And share with them what you think. You’ll make a far better impression this way than by saying a lot without really saying anything.


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