0.1 这个答案适用的人群
0.2 用法
1.1 口语高频句式
1.2 日常生活必备礼貌语
1.3 容易犯错的表达
1.4 发音易犯错的单词
1.5 不好描述的物体
1.6 装逼(提升B格的slang,适用于和各国爱装B的年轻人交流)
1.7 正式场合英语(用于演讲,presentation,职场英语等)
2.1 核心句式
2.2 核心语法
2.3 核心写作词汇
3. 干货资源
0. 前言
0.1 这个答案适用的人群:雅思/托福备考,单纯想要提高英语口语/写作,中英口译/笔译交流学习,商务/工作英语,日常交友/聊天。
0.2 用法:除特别指明外,这个答案中绝大部分的用法适用于任何英语国家(美国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰等等)。
1.1 口语高频句式
I'm having a bit of a problem/trouble/issue with xxxxx
I'm glad/sad/disappointed/happy/excited/relieved that
I haven’t had time/a chance to
I think/suppose/reckon/believe
If I’m not wrong/If my memory serves me right/If I remember correctly
I hope you don’t mind but xxxxx
It’s been a wonderful week/day
It’s an amazing/fabulous feeling to be able to xxx
You gotta be kidding me. Come on. Nah stop it. Don’t bluff me.
Ohhh I’m so flattered. Stop it. You are making me blush.
1.2 日常生活必备礼貌语
Just wondering if I could have a look at your assignment?
I was wondering if you could give me your office hours?
I just wanted to ask whether you’ve seen my message?
Is it cool/alright/ok if I skip the lesson tomorrow?
Would it be possible to apply for an extension given the circumstances?
Do you mind sending me your C++ code tonight?
Would you like to come to my birthday party?
Will you be going to the finance meeting tomorrow by any chance?
If you could help me out with xxx, that would be awesome/fantastic.
1.3 容易犯错的表达
我明天要睡懒觉:I’m gonna sleep late/in tomorrow. 不是I’m gonna wake up late tomorrow.
我今早睡过了:I overslept this morning.
她已经上床了:She’s in bed already. 不是She’s on the bed already.
一比一平了!The score's one all. 或者 They drew one-one. 或者 The game was tied 1-1.
1.4 发音易犯错的单词
cliche: 结尾是ei音,/ˈkliːʃeɪ/ 或者 /klɪˈʃeɪ/都可以,个人偏向第一种
niche :结尾两种读法我都碰到过,ch 或者 sh
debut: [ˈdeɪbjuː]
colonel:一个发音耍流氓的单词,读作 /ˈkɜːrnəl/,近似于kernel
rendezvous (高逼格法语引进词)读为['ron day voo]
voilà (也是法语引进的)
retail/retailer: 重音在前面,读作REtail/REtailer
exhibit(ik’zibit)---exhibition (’eksibition)
1.5 不好描述的物体
a flat/dead battery
a pair of worn-out boots
a flat tyre
浴室的下水道 (地漏)
the drain in the shower
1.6 装逼(提升B格的slang,适用于和各国爱装B的年轻人交流)
1.6.1 全球通用(偏北美)
It's all about that SWAG. I'm so SWAGGG. (swag就是叼叼的样子/感觉/B格)
You just got owned/trashed/pwned! (你被虐了)
You just got punked/trolled/pranked! (你被耍了)
What a legend. (大神/大牛)
A big shoutout to my mom/my brother/my fellow countrymen (口语中感谢/打招呼/mention某人)
Savage (bad ass) (牛/厉害的意思)
Damn. That's legit/dope/lit/sick/epic. (屌屌屌)
What da f*ck/heck/hell is going on dude? (你tm搞什么鬼?!)
What da f*ck did you say? You want beef with me? Real quick. (被打不负责。意思为:你tm说什么?!你找事?来吧。)
My name's xxx but you can call me anytime.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. You're gorgeous. Let's xxxx. (自由发挥)
1.6.2 澳洲
mate. mate. mate. might. might. might.
Heaps good.
Fair dinkum.
Bogan. Bogan. Bogan.
Just chuck a sickie. She'll be right.
Sweet as.
No worries.
1.6.3 英国
Fancy a cuppa?
You wanker!!!
Alright, mate?
Bugger! Bugger all. Bloody hell.
I was gobsmacked when she told me xxx.
taking the piss
Cock-up – Screw up
Nicked – Stolen
Chat Up – Flirt
Bob's your uncle. (有点老)
1.6.4 新加坡
Shiok!!! (means awesome)
Walao eh. Don't talk cock lah. Every time you talk talk talk. Never do sh*t.
Jialat. Forgot to bring my homework. (It means "I'm in deep shit.")
Can lah can lah. Ok lor.
Like that also can?
Don't be so kiasu lah. Steady steady.
cb (被打不负责)
1.7 正式场合英语(用于演讲,presentation,职场英语等)
"My presentation is in three parts."
"My presentation is divided into three main sections."
"Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally…"
"I'm going to…
take a look at…
talk about…
tell you something about the background…
give you some facts and figures…
fill you in on the history of…
concentrate on…
limit myself to the question of…
"Please feel free to interrupt me if you have questions."
"There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation."
"I'd be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentation."
1.7.2 呼应前文
"As I said at the beginning…"
"This, of course, will help you (to achieve the 20% increase)."
"As you remember, we are concerned with…"
"This ties in with my original statement…"
"This relates directly to the question I put to you before…"
1.7.3 引导听众
"I'd now like to move on to…"
"I'd like to turn to…"
"That's all I have to say about…"
"Now I'd like to look at…"
"This leads me to my next point…"
1.7.4 运用图表
"This graph shows you…"
"Take a look at this…"
"If you look at this, you will see…"
"I'd like you to look at this…"
"This chart illustrates the figures…"
"This graph gives you a break down of…"
"As you can see…"
"This clearly shows …"
"From this, we can understand how / why…"
"This area of the chart is interesting…"
1.7.5 总结陈词
"That brings me to the end of my presentation. I've talked about…"
"Well, that's about it for now. We've covered…"
"So, that was our marketing strategy. In brief, we…"
"To summarise, I…"
"So I hope that you're a little clearer on how we can achieve xxx"
"To return to the original question, we can achieve…"
"So just to round the talk off, I want to go back to the beginning when I asked you…"
"I hope that my presentation today will help you with what I said at the beginning…"
1.7.6 回答问题
"Thank you for listening – and now if there are any questions, I would be pleased to answer them."
"That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have."
"Thank you. So you would like further clarification on our strategy?"
"Does this answer your question?"
"Do you follow what I am saying?"
"I hope this explains the situation for you."
"I hope this was what you wanted to hear!"
"That's an interesting question. I don't actually know off the top of my head, but I'll try to get back to you later with an answer."
"I'm afraid I'm unable to answer that at the moment. Perhaps I can get back to you later."
"Good question. I really don't know! What do you think?"
"That's a very good question. However, we don't have any figures on that, so I can't give you an accurate answer."
"Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to answer that."

1.7.7 出现口误
"Let me just say that in another way."
"Perhaps I can rephrase that."
"Put another way, this means…"
"What I mean to say is…"
2.1 核心句式
2.2 核心语法
There are fewer(不是less)/more people in the library during summer break than semester period.
There is less/more enthusiasm among students after the exam.
Fewer/more candidates will appear in the upcoming elections.
Less and less/more and more time is spent on reading books.
They became less and less willing to spend money.
2.3 核心写作词汇
3. 干货资源
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