测自己适合做什么工作 怎样知道自己适合做什么?

























The worst approach to finding out what kind of jobyou may like is to keep trying different ones. That would be like dating everyone you’re somewhat attracted to in orderto see if they’re a good fit for you. That will not only take a lot of your time and energy, you’re alsolikely to end up feeling dissatisfied and frustrated.

Many who take such a “give it a try” approach also getlabeled as a job hopper by employers. They’re not seen as very mature or self-aware. They approach things randomly and from aone-sided point-of-view. That’s not avery attractive person to leading companies.

However, there are many who are able to figure out whatkind of job and industry can best suit them, without trying them all. They’re not just lucky. They do this by finding the answers to twobasic questions. The first one relatesto a key internal factor. The second onerelates to a key external factor.

Question #1: Whatdo you enjoy doing? Whenever someoneasks me what kind of job or career I think he should pursue, this is thequestion I always ask them in return. Todetermine what kind of job you’ll be motivated to do well, start by thinkingabout and identifying the type of work you enjoy doing.

For instance, is it analyzing things and solvingproblems? Is it working withothers? Is it supporting or helpingothers? Is it creating, building,selling, planning, organizing, coordinating, or delivering things? Most jobs are oriented around such basictasks. So the first thing you want todetermine is the nature of work you enjoy most.

How you find the answer to this question:

Even if you may not have much work experience, thinkabout the things you’ve done in school or in your life that have excited youthe most. Perhaps it was a schoolproject or activity you volunteered for. Or it was a time when you were able to solve a difficult problem, orwhen you were helping someone else. Whatwas it exactly that you enjoyed when doing these things?

For instance, although I spent 10 years as a mechanicalengineer, I didn’t really enjoy it. WhenI finally began thinking about what I really liked doing, I realized that Iwasn’t motivated by objects. I wasn’tinterested in looking at a computer all day.

Instead, I felt much more engaged when working directlywith people and providing my value to others. I felt this way whenever I would help friends with their problems. Or whenever I got involved in an activity inhigh school and college that helped others. These were situations that turned me on and brought out the best in me.

Question #2: What is this job/function/industry reallyabout?

Many people have avery simple, superficial idea about what a job or industry is about. That’s why after doing it for a while, theyrealize that it’s nothing like what they thought it would be.

This doesn’t have to happen though. For instance, after realizing I wanted towork with and help people, I quit my engineering job and applied to lawschool. I had an idealistic idea aboutwhat lawyers did. They battled injusticeand fought to do what was good. Theypassionately defended the poor and weak in the courtroom.

While waiting to attend law school, I spoke to a fewlawyers. When they described their jobs,it was not like what I imagined. Theysat alone in law libraries researching cases. They tediously reviewed and edited long legal documents andcontracts. Rarely did they ever enter acourtroom. Fortunately, I found this outbefore I went to law school. I went tobusiness school instead.

How you find the answer to this question:

These days, it’s not that difficult. You have the internet, search engines, andsocial media. But I also recommend theold fashion way. Go out and talk topeople who do what you’re thinking of pursuing and doing too. Some good questions to ask them include:

What doesyour day-to-day job look like?
What doyou like most about your job?
What doyou like least about your job?
What doyou find challenging about it?
Whatskills and qualities are most important to do your job well?
Where doyou see yourself going in a few years?

When I asked these questions to the lawyers I spoke with,none had very positive things to say. They made a good living, but nobody seemed to like what they did.

If you’re a university student, you can also pursue briefinternships. Internships are idealsituations for getting a taste of what a job or industry is about. Experiencing an environment and doingsomething for even a few days can help you know if it’s something you’d beinterested in being a part of and doing further.

Btw, if above average career success is your goal,another fundamental question you want to answer is, what are you very good at? In other words, what are your true talents? For example, while I had the analyticalskills to do engineering work, I knew deep down that many others could do whatI did much better than me.

When thinking more deeply about my true strengths, Irealized that they were my people skills. Although I was shy, I was a likeable person. I cared about the well-being of others. I was a good listener and had an intuitivesense for how people felt. Ultimately,it was my people skills that could help me become the best at something someday.

Again, you identify your true strengths by thinking aboutthe things you’ve done where you excelled or did something better than mostothers. For instance, in college, myfriends used to call me Uncle Larry becauseI was the one everyone always came to for help and advice. In addition, people always pursued me to takeon leadership roles. Although I had nointerest in them, others trusted me and felt that I understood theirinterests. These were early indicationsof my true strengths.

Trying whatever seems interesting to you is very time-consumingand costly. Certainly, you can get asense for whether certain jobs and industries are suited for you even withoutexperiencing them. It just requires someself-awareness and an understanding of the real world. By answering these basic questions, you’ll avoidwasting your time and effort going down roads that you quickly realize youshouldn’t be on.


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