1. 音乐本身的旋律和节奏很有感染力,无论是最先认识她的小清新love story,还是后来活力四射的22,即便是略带忧桑的last kiss、缓慢流淌的safe and sound都让人感同身受。不用深究歌词,音乐本身就足以带动你和她一起跳跃、一起摇摆、一起安静,一起身临其境。
2. 歌词的真切深入人心,她的lyrics却也好似我的feelings;她的歌词讲述着我的心情故事,听着她的歌,可以一路或谈恋爱、或失恋疗伤、或孤单等待、或开怀狂欢;她的歌里有我生活中熟悉的场景,有我记忆里不轻易与人分享的瞬间,也有我卑微无助的彷徨和呐喊:
“hey Stephen I could give you fifty reason
why I should be the one you choose
all those other girls, well they're beautiful
but would they write a song for you”
please don't be in love with someone else
please don't have somebody waiting on you
I was enchanted to meet you
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie, you'd be here right now
Losing him was blue, like I’d never known
Missing him was dark gray, all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
3. 演唱会、颁奖典礼的激情与创意能让歌迷感受到她的诚意和才艺。她今年5月底才在中国上海举办中国大陆首场演唱会,在此之前国人大多还只能从网络上的资源领略她的音乐魅力,但无置可否,她的现场表现、真性情表露从未让歌迷失望,甚至她的现场版的变奏更能带来耳目一新的感觉。
4. 生活作风颇受争议。的确如此,但我个人觉得在没有逾越法律道德准则的前提下,个人情感自由及私生活应受到尊重,无可非议;作为公众人物,需要曝光率以及媒体或有时夸大宣传也是可以理解的。从积极方面来看,Taylor在应对此话题的各种采访中,表现直率、豁达和友好,并未给我留下见不得人或遮遮掩掩的印象,反倒是自然流露有加分;不得不说,她的经历或成就了她的作品,亦或是她的作品让她的经历备受争议,但她依然是她自己,依然是星光熠熠的Taylor Swift。
5. 她的作品也不全是男女情情爱爱,也有童年,有对父母的真情流露
i know you were on my side even when i was wrong
and i love you for giving me your eyes
for staying back and watching me shine
and i didn't know if you knew
so i' m taking this chance to say
that i had the best day with you today
6. 她和其他歌手的合作曲目、电影插曲也是个个出彩,在此推荐的有:Highway don't care, Red, Everything has changed;Two is better than one等等..
目前就先想到这么多,当然,她很Pretty,身材很好,即使和Victorian Secret的名模站在一起也很有气场,她有才华、她养的猫也很可爱。。。哈哈。。。期待她有更多更好的作品呈现给听众!
然后。。更多更好的作品来啦~!1989!!!!!指着这张最新专辑大概可以鲜活地听到本人三十岁吧。一言蔽之,做霉霉的粉丝,我是感到幸福的,feel lucky and loved。
1. 记得第一首公布的曲目是Shake it off。节奏感很强,不用细听歌词就可以轻易被带入的一支,活力四射、个性鲜明。感觉就像吃火锅,热汤辣油已然在您面前咕嘟咕嘟了,无论牛肉羊肉棒子骨虾滑贡丸金针菇,还是百叶黄喉冻豆腐,统统来之不拒——要的就是火力旺菜满桌锅翻滚气腾腾!霉霉的衣服换得也勤啊,MV里又是电臀又是拉拉队的,扮黑天鹅扛录音机也是蛮拼的,各种忙活各种甩,还算接地气却也不遭人嫌弃。所以同事聚餐倾向吃火锅,单位年会Shake it off上节目单也不足为奇。
2. 长期Shake it off单曲循环地听,我肯定会疯掉或吐死;幸好专辑里还有this love酱婶儿的歌。我翻译了一下歌词,仅供参考:
Taylor Swift - This Love
Clear blue water,high tide came and brought you in 清澈湛蓝的海水,潮水翻涨将你带到我身边
And l could go on and on, on and on (and I will)我心永恒(我会的)
Skies grew darker, currents swept you out again夜色渐浓,潮汐又将你带走
And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone你就真的消失了
In silence screams, in wildest dreams在无声的呐喊和最狂野的梦里
I never dreamed of this我都没料想到会这样
This love is good This love is bad 这爱是好是坏
This love is alive back from the dead这爱如涅槃重生
These hands had to let it go free不得不放手
And this love came back to me却又袭上心头
Tossing, turning, struggled through the night with someone new夜里辗转反侧,纠结是否重新开始
And I could go on and on, on and on我心依旧
Lantern burning, flickered in my mind for only you灯笼炽热,闪现在我脑海里的只有你
But you're still gone, gone, gone但你还是离开了的
Been losing grip,我已失控
Oh, sinking ships像在沉没的船
You showed up just in time幸好你曾及时出现
This love is good, this love is bad这爱是好是坏
This love is alive back from the dead这爱如涅槃重生
These hands had to let it go free不得不放手
And this love came back to me却又袭上心头
This love left a permanent mark这爱印记永不磨灭
This love is glowing in the dark这爱在黑暗中永熠
These hands had to let it go free不得不放手
And this love came back to me却又袭上心头
Your kiss, my cheek, I watched you leave你的吻落在我的脸颊,我注视你离去
Your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees你的笑勾走我的灵魂,我拜倒在地
When you're young you just run年轻时你只管跑开
But you come back to what you need但你终究会回归你需要的地方
This love is good, this love is bad这爱是好是坏
This love is alive back from the dead这爱如涅槃重生
These hands had to let it go free不得不放手
And this love came back to me却又袭上心头
This love left a permanent mark这爱印记永不磨灭
This love is glowing in the dark这爱在黑暗中永熠
These hands had to let it go free不得不放手
And this love came back to me却又袭上心头
感觉如何?这般失恋的滋味是不是像在吃中药。苦是苦了点儿,但好在没有放弃治疗,仍在期盼重生,还在等待回归。这首歌很有可能在起初被略过,毕竟一上来就面对大海潮涨潮落般幽缓,不可割舍的思念之情痴迷之心娓娓道来,于是共鸣就在不断的单曲循环中愈演愈烈欲罢不能。这首歌让我会想起霉霉的那首safe and sound,听着听着热泪就顺着脸颊滑下来在嘴角边冷掉,风干了眼泪后怀揣着渴慕对自己微笑说着一切安好,这份爱还没走远。霉霉是歌者也是作家,每首歌都在借旋律和歌词抒写心情故事;也是导演,擅用通感的手法营造真切的画面。你的吻,我的脸,你的笑,我的魂,简单的几个词就可以让脑海的画面饱和丰满起来,让人回味无穷。所以,药不能停。
3. 说到回味无穷,个人觉得霉霉的1989将泰式智慧发扬光大。还记得在专辑未正式面世之前,她时不时在社交媒体上透露一两句歌词,便让人浮想联翩。每首歌听下来除了主旋律的萦绕,再有就是记住了某句看似不疼不痒的话。This love里记住了这句:When you're young you just run,
But you come back to what you need..而接下来的这首clean是比this love循环听时间还要久的,大概就是记住了那句:10 months sober, I must admit..just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it..10 months older, I won't give in..Now that I'm clean I'm never gonna risk it..像是大彻大悟,带着点洒脱,比起那份沉重透不过气来的痴迷等待,这份看开的轻盈和隐忍多少过过瘾吧。Taylor Swift——Clean
The drought was the very worst
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst
It was months, and months of back and forth
You're still all over me
Like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore
Hung my head as I lost the war
And the sky turned black like a perfect storm
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And by morning gone was any trace of you,
I think I am finally clean
There was nothing left to do
When the butterflies turned to
Dust that covered my whole room
So I punched a hole in the roof
Let the flood carry away all my pictures of you
The water filled my lungs, I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And by morning, gone was any trace of you
I think I am finally clean
I think I am finally clean
Said I think I am finally clean
10 months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it
10 months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean I'm never gonna risk it

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