女生最健康的生活方式 女生七种爱自己的生活方式

  Life can be much easier if most people are not too hard on themselves about their own appearance and personality. Read more on different ways to look and feel beautiful。如果我们对自己的外表和性格不那么挑剔的话,生活会轻松的多。下面这些方法会让你看起来或感觉更美丽。

  1. Spend time for yourself. 在自己身上多花点时间。

  Everyone needs to pamper himself or herself once in awhile and if it is going to a spa or something simple as trying, a new hairdo can improve greatly on how you feel。我们都需要偶尔犒劳一下自己,泡个温泉,或其它一些简单的尝试,比方说换个新发型可以给别人焕然一新的感觉。

  2. Eat healthy and exercise. 健康饮食,坚持锻炼。

  Keeping your body in shape and eating healthy food can do wonders for you not only physically, but give you tremendous energy to be active and fit. Also taking vitamins and supplements is overall good for your body, skin, and hair。保持良好的身体状态和健康的饮食习惯,不仅对你的身体大有裨益,而且能让你时时刻刻都拥有积极向上的精神状态。此外,还要补充适量的维生素,这对你的身体健康、皮肤和头发都有好处。

  3. Stay less stressed。压力不要太大。

  Situations in our life at times can leave us on the edge and feel physically, mentally, and emotionally strained. Try yoga, mediate or soothing music to ease and relax your mind and body. Do whatever that works for you to prevent constant worries。生活中我们每个人都会遇到棘手的事情,总会紧张不安,全身都绷紧了。这时候可以试试瑜伽,舒缓的音乐也能让你的身心得以放松。只要是能缓解烦恼的方法,都可以试一试。

  4. Go shopping。购物。

  Treat yourself by buying a new outfit, pair of shoes or a beautiful necklace or earrings to give an extra boost in the way you look。买套新衣服,买双新鞋,或是一条漂亮的项链或一对耳环来犒劳自己,让自己有一个全新的面貌。

  5. Wear makeup。化妆。

  Try a little mascara or lipstick if you want to feel hot. On the other hand, if you want a completely new look, get yourself an over the counter make over at a department store or ask a makeup consultant to help you find makeup or lipstick that best matches your skin tone。如果你想给人性感的印象,可以尝试一下睫毛膏或唇膏。另一方面,如果你想给人耳目一新的感觉,可以去百货公司采购来个大改造,或者找形象顾问来帮你挑选最适合你你肤色的化妆品或口红。

女生最健康的生活方式 女生七种爱自己的生活方式

  6. Be content with yourself. 知足常乐。

  The best method to staying beautiful is being comfortable in your own skin by having confidence and thinking highly of yourself (but not to the extreme where you are arrogant). Accepting that you are an unique individual with great gifts can definitely change other areas in your life for the better。保持美丽的最好方法就是自信,知足常乐,相信自己是最好的(但不能自信到傲慢的地步)。要相信你是独一无二的,相信天生我才必有用,这种信念会极大的改变你生活的其它方面,会让你的生活变得更美好。

  7. Smile, laugh, and stay positive!微笑,大笑,永远保持积极向上的劲头。

  Remembering these three factors, helps draw the right people in your life and give you a beautiful glow that make others want to be around you。这三点能使你更有吸引力,帮你遇到你生命中的贵人,并能赋予你独特的魅力,让人们都渴望和你在一起。


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