2011 年1月6-7日
马汀令可公司将于2011 年1月6至7日在上海举办供应链专业人士SCOR最佳实践培训活动。
通过加强合作, 提高整个端到端的供应链的可视性,SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) 模型支持公司优化其供应链性能。
虽然自1996 年由供应链理事会(SCC)制定了这个模型并被财富500 强公司广泛采用,只到最近这个模型才到达中国市场,中国的当地企业还正处在学习阶段。
使用SCOR 的组织会得到一致的年度最低限度的1-3%改进。
这次培训将探讨如何通过实施SCOR 最佳实践来成为行业最佳。
‐ 如何衡量您的供应链绩效并与您的竞争对手比较
‐ 如何确定无效率的差距部分和供应链的改进的机会
‐ 如何映射业务流程
‐ 如何实施SCOR 最佳实践
‐ 如何定义一个可持续发展的供应链战略
‐ 如何管理供应链网络中的风险
‐ 如何管理供应链竞争力、建立所需的能力和招聘有经验的员工
‐ 如何实施销售和运营计划(S&OP)的方法
‐ 如何使供应链管理和财务业绩之间产生联系

以下部门的总经理, 副总经理, 厂长, 总监, 领导/经理:
Shirley Hu
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
SCOR Best Practices for Supply Chain Professionals
6th & 7th January 2011
Shanghai, China
MARTIN LINKING is convening the SCOR Best Practices for Supply Chain Professionals on 6th&7th January 2011 in Shanghai.
A two-day workshop to assist supply chain professionals in implementing the SCOR model best practices to achieve supply chain excellent and become a best-in-class.
Course Description:
By enhancing collaboration and maximizing visibility throughout the end-to-end supply chain, the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model supports companies in optimizing their supply chain performance.
Although the model has been developed by Supply-Chain Council (SCC) and widely adopted by Fortune 500 Companies since 1996, it has only recently reached the China market and local enterprises in China are just at the learning stage.
With the supply chain affecting many aspects of the business, companies cannot rely anymore on a 'ad-hoc', unorganized approach to supply chain operational improvement. SCOR® helps manage a common set of business problems through a
standardized language, standardized metrics, benchmarking and common business practices which accelerate business change and improve performance.
Organizations which use SCOR enjoy consistent annual bottom-line improvements of 1-3%.
This training course will explore how to become a best-in-class through the implementation of SCOR best practices.
What the Seminar will help you achieve:
‐ How to measure your supply chain performance and compare it with your competitors
‐ How to identify inefficiency gaps and supply chain improvement opportunities
‐ How to map business processes
‐ How to implement SCOR best practices
‐ How to define a sustainable supply chain strategy
‐ How to manage risk in your supply chain network
‐ How to manage supply chain competencies, build required capabilities and recruit skilled staff
‐ How to implement the S&OP methodology
‐ To forecast accurately your demand
‐ To manage your business effectively and achieve competitive advantage through inventory optimization, cash flow increase, return on working capital maximization…
‐ To ensure all departments are aligned
‐ To ensure your plans are measured accurately to enable continuous improvement
‐ How to make the link between supply chain management and financial performance
Who Should Attend:
GM, VGM, Plant Manager, Directors, head/Managers of:
‐Supply Chain Management
‐ Inventory Planning and warehouse management
‐ Sourcing and Procurement
‐Logistics and transportation
‐Demand Forecasting and material planning
For more information, please contact:
Shirley Hu
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768