2011 年11 月24-25 日
* 价值流: 当前所有将原材料和信息转变为成品和服务所必须的活动。
* 价值流图(VSM): 是将一个包括生产,供应商,配送和客户的价值流里所有部件和装配的物流和信息流绘制成图的程序。
* 价值流图的功用: 价值流程图是一个不仅能够绘制物流而且还能绘制给物流发送信号和控制物流的信息流的绘图工具。这种形象化的表示方法使得帮助在价值流中确定价值增加步骤和消除非增值步骤或浪费的精益思想的实施程序更加容易。
* 价值流分析: 计划工具可以使消除浪费取得最佳结果。
* 价值流图: 教授如何以实操的方式---“在做中学”,去绘制价值流图。
* 识别改善机遇: 这是此次工作坊的最重要目的。
* 创建改善设想: 用改善的创新和改进的理念,创建一个描绘未来状态的价值流图。
* 当前的状况与改善设想的对比: 识别差距。
* 确定改善路线: 在哪里做? 怎样改变? 谁应当参与?
* 案例分析及模拟训练 : 选取案例,并做深层次分析,然后做模拟训练。
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: [email protected]
Value Stream Map Best Practices
24th & 25th November 2011
Shanghai, China
A Two-day Workshop to Assist LEAN (Production) Managers and Different Level Management People to Develop a Coordinated Approach to Map the Material and Information Flows of All Components and Subassemblies in a Value Stream That Includes Manufacturing, Suppliers, Distribution and the Customer. This Workshop will Give You Tools to Map not Only Material Flows but also Information Flows That Signal and Control the Material Flows. And This Visual Representation Facilitates the Process for Implementation of Lean Thinking by Helping to Identify the Value-Adding Steps in a Value Stream and Eliminating the Non-Value Adding Steps, or Waste (Muda) in Flow Paths of Products. They are Tried-and-True Ways to Improve Your Management Process and Impact the Bottom Line.
What the Seminar Will Help You Achieve:
*Value Stream: All activities that are currently required to transform raw materials and
information into a finished product and service.
* Value Stream Mapping (VSM): The process of mapping the material and information flows of all components and subassemblies in a value stream that includes manufacturing, suppliers, distribution and the customer.
* The Power of VSM: It maps not only material flows but also information flows that signal and
control the material flows. This visual representation facilitates the process for implementation of Lean Thinking by helping to identify the value-adding steps in a value stream and eliminating the non-value adding steps, or waste (muda) in flow paths of products.
* The Value Stream Analysis: Planning tool to optimize results of eliminating wastes.
* The Value Steam Mapping: To coach how to map the VSM in a practical way---learning by doing.
* Identify Kaizen Opportunities: This is the main goal for the item.
* Create the Kaizen Vision: To develop a Future State Map with Kaizen Innovations and Improvements.
* Current State Versus Kaizen Vision: To identify the gap.

* Define the Kaizen Itinerary: Where to do at? How to change? Who should involve in?
* Case Analysis and Simulation: Take a case and make a deep analysis and then do a simulation.
For more information please contact:
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: [email protected]