谈谈人际沟通的重要性 有效沟通的重要性

 谈谈人际沟通的重要性 有效沟通的重要性

The Importance of Effective Communication

Kevin and Angie are students in college, and have been in love for almost two years. Although they loved each other very much, they may be break up after graduation. Kevin wants to still live in the city which he learned knowledge in college. But Angie wants to go back to home city and find a job.

How can they do?

Ok, this is a normal question in our daily life. Also the answer is: they need communicate with each other. Everyone need communicate with different types of people that contain teachers, roommates, salesperson, family members, friends, doctors and so on.

So what is the definition of communication? From the book of Richard West and Lynn H. Turner, they think communication is a social process in which inpiduals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment. The five key terms of communication contains: social, process, symbols, meanings and environment.

Ok, I won’t tell you the details of what are communication and the five key terms. I just want to solve the problem of the Kevin and Angie faced with. Now, I’ll tell you the story again.

During to the different views of the city where they will go after graduation, Kevin has a conversation with Angie. He hopes Angie will change her mind and stay here with him in this city. He loves her very much, and he wants to live with her. While Angie don’t think so, she thinks go back home wound have good opportunity to find a job. And she also hopes Kevin can stay with her. Kevin and Angie insist on each other’s point uncompromisingly. Then they quarried with each other.

What’s the matter with them?

On the surface, we know their communication is not success, or we can say their communication is not effectively. Sometimes we may be unsure about how to express our thoughts and if the listener understand our thoughts. In addition, effective communication is often sacrificed.

Not only communicate with other people, but also communicate with is audience in advertising different to control. For instance, one advertising which has a beauty and a dog, the beauty wears well and her face looks coquettish. The dog is lovely. That’s all. Let’s guess what the advertising wants to tell us. Clothes? Cosmetic? Dog? lovely-hearts ad? No, you are wrong. Please look at the small word under the paper: dog food. So what’s your felling now? Maybe you think you are foolish? No, that’s not your fault. The fault is that the communication of advertising is unreadable. Therefore, you can see the effective communication is important in our daily life, and also communication need a good way to express. Alter the effective way of communication; I think Kevin and Angie would find a good way to solve the problem.

Try to understand other people and express your thoughts through the effective communication will make you live a highly valued life. Ads are also need effective communication.


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