欧洲冠军联赛晋级规则 Google成“冠军品牌”预示品牌规则革命




















    In 2005's results, Google took the lead from Apple in what is shaping up to be a back and forth contest through the years for these two innovative tech companies. Each year one out-does the other, and this time it is Google's turn to shine.

    Google went public in the summer of 2004, and the hype hasn't died yet. Notable milestones in 2005 included the launch of Google Mini (around the same time that Apple unveiled its own mini product) and Desktop Search, which, like most Google product, falls under the "descriptive" school of naming. The quirky brand also treated us to Google Earth, arguably the greatest thing to hit the Internet since porn.

    Prior to Google, life was a source of wonder with no ready answers; with Google, we are all instant scholars. It's no exaggeration to wonder how we functioned without such a tool in our lives. Those worried that the company might run out of ideas should visit Google Labs—a welcome assurance that more delights are close on the horizon.

    Equally impressive on the innovation front, Apple unveiled a tremendous amount of new product in 2005, prompting pundits to speculate that the brand would soon flame out in exhaustion. (Just how low are our expectations?) The iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod video, Mac mini, and Tiger operating system all emerged from the busy Cupertino workshop this past year.

    Well below these two leaders but rounding out the top five for Global brands are newcomer Skype and old favorites Starbucks and Ikea.

    Skype rapidly took off in Europe before being bought by eBay in September 2005. Launched in 2003 and headquartered in Luxembourg, Skype is a voice over Internet protocol provider, which allows free (or cheap) communication between users over the Internet. Skype is not alone in the field or unhindered for future growth; competitors include Google Talk, Vonage, and SIP; hurdles include Luddites.

    欢迎与aihuau(爱华网)专栏作者探讨您的观点和看法,金错刀。数字时代的商业观察者,新浪、网易商业频道、CNBC特约评论员。毕业于河南财经学院,曾做过策划、网络行业、报纸、杂志等,现为《数字商业时代》主笔。一直致力于实战管理学研究,并以对跨国公司的深度报道著称,曾著有《公司凶猛——财富500强的中国韬略》、《三星进化》、《公司黑带》等书。EMAIL:[email protected]


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/511236.html


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