iso9001 ts16949 ISO/TS 16949 简 介

ISO/TS 16949 简 介

Introduce of ISO/TS 16949


The automobile suppliers certificated by QS-9000 or VDA6.1 can not be accepted and approved by all countries in the world.( uptodate, the three big automobile manufacturer in American and the OEMs in German, France, Italy agree on inner audit (item 4.17 in QS-9000) and the development of sub-contractor (item in QS-9000)). Moreover both QS-9000 and VDA6.1 was not issued by ISO.

为减少汽车供应商不必要的资源浪费和利于汽车公司全球采购战略的实施,国际汽车特别工作组(IATF)以及ISO/TC176、质量管理和质量保证委员会及其分委员会的代表在以ISO9001:1994版质量体系的基础上结合QS-9000、VDA6.1、EAQF(法国)94和AVSQ(意大利)95等质量体系的要求制定了ISO/TS 16949技术规范,并于己于1999年1月1日颁布发行适用。

In order to decrease automobile suppliers’ unnecessary resource waste and be good to implement worldwide purchase strategic of automobile manufacturer, international automobile task force(IATF)

ISO/TS 16949技术规范已通过ISO技术委员会2/3成员国的投票同意,每隔三年ISO技术委员会要对其进行一次评审,以决定其是否可转化为国际标准。

ISO/TS 16949 technical specification have been agreed by 2/3 of the ISO technical committee. Every 3 years ISO technical committee will audit it and make a conclusion whether it can transform into international standards


ISO/TS 16949 technical specification comply automobile quality system used by worldwide automobile trade. And it can avoid multi-audit. The issued ISO/TS 16949 technical specification can apply in automobile trade temporarily so as to collect the information and experience from the practice.


In ISO/TS 16949 technical specification, the text with frame is authorized by ISO, cited to ISO9001:1994 item 4 and appendix A. the test without frame is specified supplement requirement in the trade.


In order to be approved by the customer of IATF the ISO technical committee has developed a worldwide united certification scheme (ISO/TS16949 automobile certification plan and IATF approval rule) and has required that it should be carried out. The supplement specified requirement from customer to ISO/TS 16949 technical specification should be included in the audit so that gain the approval from the customer.

ISO/TS 16949之目标


  ★ 质量改进

  ★ 生产力改进

★ 成本的降低

continual improve in suppliers chain

improve of quality

improve of capacity

decrease of cost


  ★ SPC的应用

★ 防错措施

emphasing defect prevention

the application of SPC

error proofing


  ★ 确保存货周转及最低库存量

  ★ 质量成本

★ 非质量的额外成本(待线时间,过多搬运…etc).

reduction of the variation and waste

assure the stock turnover and the smallest stock

quality cost

extra cost (such as waiting on-line, over-transportation )

ISO/TS 16949之适用性

The applicability of ISO/TS 16949

  ISO/TS 16949规定了汽车供应商的质量体系要求,用于汽车相关产品的设计/开发、生产、安装和服务。

  ISO/TS 16949适用于提供以下项目的生产和服务部件的供方及分承包方"现场":

  a) 部件或材料,或

  b) 热处理件、喷漆、电镀、或其它最终加工服务,或

  c) 其它顾客规定的产品。

ISO/TS 16949也适用于整个汽车供应链。

ISO/TS 16949 define the quality system requirement of automobile suppliers, apply in the design/development, product, assembly and service of automobile related product

ISO/TS 1694 apply in the site of the supplier and the sub-contractor who offer the following part of product and service

a. part and material or

b. heat treatment part, spray paint, electroplate, or any other final manufacturing service or

c. other customer required product

ISO/TS 16949 also apply in the whole automobile suppliers chain.

ISO/TS 16949对汽车供方的好处




automobile suppliers’ benefit from ISO/TS 16949

1. collect all the automobile suppliers’ requirement in quality

2. establish a common quality system ,avoid multi-certification and multi-audit

3. decrease the frequency of suppliers’ quality system audit


The common question of TS 16949

  许多汽车零部件供应商将很希望或者会被要求,将自己现有的QS-9000,VDA 6或其他类似的质量管理体系标准加以升级成为国际普遍接受的新标准—TS 16949。TS 16949是由与“汽车工业行动小组” (AIAG)相对的“国际标准化组织” (ISO) 所公布的, 目前还只是一项技术规范,并不是标准。尽管如此,越来越多的汽车OEM制造商已经开始接受TS 16949,以替代其它的质量体系认证标准。

TS 16949的优点是可以免除国际客户向您要求其他注册标准或要求的困扰。目前,TS 16949还仅仅是一个自选性的质量管理体系标准,然而它正在更新成ISO 9001:2000版格式和要求。虽然QS-9000的升级版本还没有正式公布,但一般的推测是,将不会有升级的版本。有关单位已经宣布,现行的ISO 9001/2:1994版将于2003年12月15日起被废止。值得注意的是,它是现今QS-9000:1998版不可分割的一部分。

Lots of automobile part suppliers hope his QS-9000,VDA 6 or other similar quality management system can upgrade to international accepted new standards- TS 16949. TS 16949 was issued by international standards organization (ISO) which is relative to automobile industry action group (AIAG). Now it is only a technical specification, rather than a standard. However, more and more OEM automobile supplier has start to accept TS 16949 as the substitute of other quality system.

The advantage of TS 16949 relieve you from the other registration standards or other requirement’s trouble. Now TS 16949 is merely a optional quality management system, however it renew into ISO 9001:2000’s formation Since QS-9000 updated version has not issued, most speculate that there will be no updated version. Some company has declared that ISO 9001/2:1994 will be abolished on Dec. 15th 2003.It is noticed that it is a part of QS-9000:1998


How to acquire the ISO/TS16949 certification?


  * ISO/TS 16949的标准(即标准或要求)-将以ISO 9001: 2000版的形式公布,所有的段落序号也将有所改变。

  * ISO/TS 16949审核检查表-质量体系评估

 ISO/TS 16949 简 介
  * ISO/TS 16949汽车工业的认证方案-该草案的第二版已 于2001年12月5日公布

in order to understand the requirement and the audit procedure of TS16949, the three document is very important. They are:

ISO/TS 16949 standards(standards or requirement ) to be issued in the form of ISO 9001: 2000,but all the paragraph and the sequence number will change.

ISO/TS 16949 audit check list-evaluation of the quality system

ISO/TS 16949 automobile industry certification scheme The drafted second version has been published on Dec. the 5th,2001

TS 16949常见问题

The common question of TS 16949

1. QS 9000和ISO /TS 16949之间的区别是什么?

  QS 9000定义了克莱斯勒(Chrysler),福特(Ford),通用(General Motors)及其他一些使用该系统的汽车行业企业的基础质量系统的要求。

ISO/TS 16949也同样受到了全球汽车行业许多著名企业的采纳,两者之间没有十分显著的区别。

What is the difference between QS 9000 and ISO /TS 16949?

QS 9000 define the requirement of the basic quality system which are applied by Chrysler, Ford ,General Motors and other automobile manufacturer.

ISO/TS 16949 was also accepted by lots of famous automobile manufacturer in the world. There is no remarkable difference between them.

  2. QS 9000证书能够转换成ISO /TS 16949证书吗?


Can QS 9000 certification be transform into ISO /TS 16949 certification.?

No. The certification institution and the certification procedure of them are different.

3. 汽车标准同认证之间是否互相独立的?

不是。QS-9000和ISO/TS 16949都是以ISO 9001/2: 1994或ISO 9001: 2000为基础的。满足ISO 900X的要求是汽车认证的前提。在特定情况下,一个认证过程可以取得两个证书。

Is there no relation between the automobile standard and certification?

No, both QS-9000 and ISO/TS 16949 are based on ISO 9001/2: 1994 or ISO 9001: 2000.To meet the requirement of ISO 900X if the premise of automobile certification. In some special case, a certification procedure can get two certification.

4.QS-9000的手册文件适用于ISO/TS 16949吗?


Can the manual of QS-9000 be applied in ISO/TS 16949?

Yes, it can.

5. ISO/TS中的TS指的是什么?

ISO/TS 16949不是一个国际标准,而是一个技术规范(Technical Specification)。这样就使得文件和变化的审批过程更为简单。

What is TS stand for in ISO/TS?

ISO/TS 16949 is not a international standard, but a Technical Specification. So it simplify the approval procedure of document and change.  

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