activity 生命周期 社区生命周期


Community Life Cycle

 activity 生命周期 社区生命周期


The lessons offered by Usenet are relearned by just about every online forum, usually in the most painful manner possible. This sequence of events, repeated often enough to be called an archetype, runs as follows:

The Beginning, when there were only a few people, and everyone cared and things didn't quite work the way they were supposed to and the inner workings of the software was clear and comprehensible. The unwritten rules and meta-rules make their first appearance, often mirroring the attitudes and personalities of the founders.


The Golden Age, when you could always count on interesting interchanges, most of the personalities are familiar but there are enough new faces for things to be interesting. During this phase the software achieves a relatively stable form, the unwritten rules are written down so that they need not be explained and reexplained, it's a period of growth and discovery.


The Decline, the formation of cliques and factions, incidents of abuse, of intellectual violence and namecalling. The software becomes encrusted with patches and extensions, the unwritten rules are flouted regularly and the meta-rules all but forgotten. It is a time of either shrinking membership, or overwhelming growth.


The Fall, an incident, whether social or technical that makes everybody realize that things aren't like they used to be. It usually leads to a revision or addition to the software as this is the easiest thing to fix.


The Diaspora (suggested by PeterMerel) Is the process of people moving on to found new CommUnities or join others, often spreading mannerisms and ideas from one forum to the broader set that is the InterNet.



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activity 生命周期 社区生命周期



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