topwomen香港代购扒皮 The top three blocks for women managers

According to surveys by Chinese Women Entrepreneur Association, the ratio of money-making enterprises run by women is 7.8% higher that of men; besides, the ratio of money-loss enterprises run by women is 12.1% lower than that of men. More and more evidences show that woman managers are beginning to show their power in market economy.

But above-mentioned evidence does not mean it is much easier for woman managers to reach their ambitious targets than man managers. In fact, in order to become successful, woman managers have to sacrifice more than men. The top three blocks preventing woman managers to pursue their career are: how to balance the career and family, how to mold women leadership and how to overcome traditional social work pision.

Special Report

How HR balance interests between company and staff

For most of HR professionals, their daily work is often muddled with problems of how to balance the interests between company and employees. In every company, if there is interests conflict, the staff hope HR can stand up for them; Meanwhile, top mangers ask HR to act as their wishes. So HR mangers often find they are trapped by this antinomy.

Apparently,HR can use law or company regulations to deal with this. But, since interests conflict are plentiful and complex, there are not many clear guidance to use. Besides, in order to solve the problems, HR personal professional abilities are not enough.

Human Resoures

Puzzled cell phone designers

Some cell phone-making companies complain that phone designers are very difficult to manage. they ask for high salary, loose working environment, but still leave to find another jobs.

 topwomen香港代购扒皮 The top three blocks for women managers
Meanwhile, cell phone designers often feel puzzled about their jobs. In their views, their designs are the combination of art and technology. But top managers of the company always view their designs as commercial products. If top mangers think that this design is not going to be commercially successful, they will veto designers?works right away no matter how pride designers feel for their own work.

Consultation & Investigation

Do you care about your staff health?

Not long ago, one young advertisement designer died just before his wedding day because of excess work. This stir a hot discussion about what companies can do to care about staff health. In this commercial society, health is often neglected by companies and staff themselves.

But as a social citizen, it is their responsibilities of companies to protect staff health when pursuing commercial success. In order to find how companies view this topic, Chinese human resources website www. conducted a survey and collected lots of interesting responses.


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