it桔子行业数据 IT行业有关数据处理的英文求职信


Dear Ms. Anderson: 

I am seeking a position in data processing management and have enclosed my resume for review against your current requirements.

 it桔子行业数据 IT行业有关数据处理的英文求职信
My background in data processing includes programming, systems analysis, project management, data base administration and MIS department management.

For the past seven years, I have been the Information Center Manager at Wilson Corporation in Gorham, New Hampshire, responsible for planning, budgeting, organizing and managing the daily operations of this department. In addition to supporting all end user computing on the IBM 3090 mainframe and personal computers, I am also responsible for evaluating PC hardware and software, establishing PC standards and policies, consulting in the design of PC applications and maintaining both mainframe and PC security controls.I am seeking a position in the $65,000 to $70,000 range and have no relocation restrictions.

Should you have an appropriate opening in your operations, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and the members of your staff to see how my qualifications might align with your requirements. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Very truly yours,

Richard R. Reardon(手写体)

Richard R. Reardon


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