谭晶 蓝色梦想 我有一个蓝色梦想



韩剑锋 总裁







 谭晶 蓝色梦想 我有一个蓝色梦想


I Have A Blue Dream

     On holiday, I traveled the Aircraft Carrier Park in Tianjin, enjoyed the grand deck and appreciated the advanced technological system, which reminded me of a grand fleet of 600 years ago in Ming Dynasty, headed by Minister Zheng He, to travel across the ocean and convey friendship to South Asia, the Middle East and East Africa, pioneered the ocean silk road…, hence, I forgot myself in a deep thinking: how can a carrier be compared to the significance of Minister Zheng He and his travel which started the ocean silk road!

      Around 600 years ago, Minister Zheng He headed a fleet to travel across the ocean for seven times to visit the South Asia countries, following, they went through Indian Ocean to the Red Sea, then, to the far-reaching point, the eastern bank of Africa. Instead of any weapons and hostility, they carried so many ancient books and distributed along the way, however, the most welcomed were China’s silk.

     Through Minister Zheng He and his grand fleet, the local people appreciated the grand dignity of China, as an ancient country, meanwhile, they enjoyed the friendship of the Chinese people. Today, in South Asia, the Middle East and the Eastern Africa, people are still reminded of the sweaty friendship conveyed by Zheng He. People always say, quite different from the pirates and invaders, Zheng He and his fleet just conveyed friendship!

      Actually, Zheng He implemented a mission with unusual significance, even today’s historians would like to name Zheng He as “The Pioneer of Ocean Civilization”. Some people say that the human civilization consists of Yellow Civilization and Blue Civilization, meaning that the Chinese Civilization originated from the Yellow River as Yellow Civilization, the western civilization known as ocean expansion and exploration as Blue Civilization, they claim that Yellow Civilization is submitted to Blue Civilization. Will the opinion reflect the historical development trend or not? We are not interested in this argument, in fact, Zheng He’s mission not only expressed the Yellow Civilization to the world, but also offered experiences to the rising of Blue Civilization.

      In the human history, Zheng He’s ships had 10,000 tons of displacement, the highest until the World War I, with very advanced navigation technologies that not compared by the western countries.

       The 21st Century is honored as “A century of the ocean”. Today’s ocean will definitely go far away from pirates’ adventure and ambitious expansion, and will become a common family of the people. Today’s Blue Civilization is focused on the theme of friendship. Therefore, Zheng He’s spirit gives a modern instruction: Go along the way of reform and opening-up, observe the world with a broad sight of Blue Civilization, embrace the world with a broad mind of Blue Civilization, hence, to embark on a road of peaceful development.

        I have always been hovered by a dream: Some day, a young fleet go  out from China, the ancient country with over 5000 years of brilliant civilization, travel along the ocean silk road started around 600 years ago by Minister Zheng He, to embrace a blue dream!

                                                                                           By  Han Jianfeng/ President of Asia Fortune Forum


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/462453.html


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