

  Why is that so? I wondered then. Now I say, why ever not? How could we possibly expect to gauge in advance other people’s reactions? It would be curious indeed if we could, since they have motives of their own, of which we know nothing.

  But as long as we reach out, put into the world what we have of talents and commitment, like bread upon the waters it will come back– in one shape or another.

  The thing to do is to keep trying, unfazed by rejection or failure, on the assumption that efforts do pay off, even though not necessarily in the way we expected.

  Equality of opportunity is a fine ideal generally subscribed to. Who wouldn’t agree that everyone should be given the same fair chance?

  But how can we call it fair? This principle, when applied, is the very anti-thesis of equality: a cruel weeding out of those unable to take advantage of the opportunities extended.

  It would be different if all contenders started at the same base line. But ask any primary school teacher to identify those seven-year-old pupils they consider unlikely to be “of much use to society”. Their predictions will be largely accurate.

  The little ones thus relegated to the bottom of the class will soon fall through the net and likely as not end up on the slag-heap of anti-social behaviour, crime and addiction:victims of a rigid value system that recognizes and rewards only certain narrowly defined assets.

  But everyone, each and every one of us, has some potential worth exploring, something of value to contribute. There is a place and role for every person born, none more, or less, important than the other.

  We all have the ability to flourish as well as the right to excel,at our own level, on our own terms.

  A truly fair society is based, not on equal opportunities but on a system of equal values.  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/453147.html



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