It was then that I realised the terrible encumbrance of parental love. How it keeps us fettered to this life, held to ransom, so that we can’t even die gracefully, without our hearts being broken. Since that day, I have only one prayer for myself: that I may live long enough to see my child able to get on without me. My only child has just started boarding-school. The house is painfully empty. It was the boy himself who wanted to go, backed up by his father. I resisted, with rational arguments and less rational emotions. In the end I confronted my husband and asked him why he wanted to send our son away to school. “Because I believe it would do him good,”was his straight answer. In the sleepless night that followed, I had to admit that he was right. By daybreak I had accepted that, whatever my own feelings, I had no right to hold up a process that would assist my child in his social and academic development. And I remembered the lines my mother wrote in a notebook the day I left home to study in a foreign country: When you were born, I said to myself, I shall never again be alone. Little did I realise that the infant I cradled in my arms was given to me on loan, to care for and prepare for the day when I would hand her over, to another life that I can share only from a distance. ‘Something only a mother could love.’ The phrase conjures up images of baby orang-utans, teenage hoodlums, repugnant monsters. It does suggest that a mother’s love is blind, oblivious to chara-cter disorders, to ugliness and failings; when in reality it is the other way round: maternal love is extraordinarily perceptive. When a mother looks upon her children, she sees not only what they are, but also what they may become. In her eyes, potential exceeds limitations. She is aware of the best in each one even when it’s not apparent. Her interpretations are kind, generous to a fault, always giving the benefit of the doubt. It says a lot about human nature that, more often than not, she’s proved right.

第8节:前 言(4)
系列专题:《麦肯锡三部曲2:麦肯锡意识》 如前文所述,《麦肯锡意识》一书将侧重于咨询过程的中心三角区:解决问题、汇报和管理,而正是这些构成了麦肯锡咨询团队的日常工作。在第1章至第4章,我们将讨论麦肯锡以事实为基础、以假设为导向

系列专题:《为民代言解读金融:陈志武说中国经济》 陈志武:腐败盛行,社会不公,地区间、城乡间,以及不同群体间收入机会不平等,这些现象越来越严重。之所以如此,一是权力不受民主监督制约,二是通过国有制与行政管制让政府控制的资源权力太

干部是党的宝贵财富 第57节:第一节 最宝贵的财富(图)(4)
系列专题:《腾讯十年真实创业成长史:腾讯十年》 这和传统培训课程不同,一切都来自于实际,生动而有效。在学习中设定的导师,有些是来自公司的高级管理层,由他们亲自去辅导、带领学员,来帮助这些“飞龙”们迅速提高领导才能。 在谈到

系列专题:《教你笑傲职场江湖:做个讨人喜欢的女人》 第二,当上司所犯错误涉及国家法律时,尤其是罪行严重时,也应该毫不客气、实事求是地为自己申辩。此时,如果你还想为上司掩饰,结果只能是害了自己。必须记住一条,在法律面前,谁也不能徇

手心手背都是肉 字谜 第57节:错综复杂 一切都是谜!(4)
系列专题:《拉开国企改制和资本运作的大幕:浮沉II》 陆帆转过头,瞄了她一眼,见她笑得灿烂,不由心头一暖,"我们第一次见面的时候,"他直视着前方,"你花一份报纸的钱,买了半份报纸,明知上当,却心怀善意。" 乔莉愣住了,她