




  Ireland, 2000: The national conscience has been shattered by revel-ations of the ill-treatment of children in religious institutions.

  Inconceivable but true: the most vulnerable members of our society, who, for a variety of reasons, did not receive their rightful share of love, care and protection, were incarcerated in homes, stripped of identity, left to starve and suffer, prey to predators who abused them.

  The authorities knew about their plight but did little to relieve it. Why should anybody care about children of no consequence? They did not even have a vote!

  The knowledge is disturbing but eased by the excuse that it all happened a long time ago. Thankfully, things have changed.

  Nowadays, the most vulnerable members of our society, who, for a variety of reasons, do not receive their rightful share of love, care and protection, are sent out into the streets, stripped of identity, left to starve and suffer, prey to predators who abuse them.

  The authorities know about their plight but do little to relieve it. Why should anybody care about children of no consequence? They do not even have a vote!

  It will take more than a public outcry to change the way decision-makers feel about those wretches whose welfare depends on them.

  A Connemara hotelier wrote a furious letter to the County Manager complaining that, in his area, renowned for outstanding natural beauty, major road repairs were consistently carried out in the height of the tourist season. If this wasn’t sabotage, he growled, it was an example of extreme professional insensitivity.

  The County Engineer replied, politely and regretfully, explaining that, given the Irish climate,they had no option but to repair the roads in summer, as otherwise the tar wouldn’t set.

  The hotel owner laughed when he told the story. “Years of anger and frustration – and all due to my own ignorance!”  

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