发布时间:2022年04月15日 08:15:24分享人:天天学习来源:互联网29
Would you add one year to your life if it meant taking one year from the life of someone in the world selected at random? Would it matter if you were told whose life you had shortened?
60.如果你可以多活一年,前提是另外一人少活一年,你愿意吗?如果你知道这个人是谁呢? Would you add one year to your life if it meant taking one year from the life of someone in the world selected at random? Would it matter if you were told whose life you had shortened? 61.你会当着别人的面小便吗?
Can you urinate in front of another person? 62.一天清晨,你走出屋门时,发现附近的灌木丛上蜷缩着一只断了翅膀的小鸟,你会怎么做?
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/450568.html
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