world best卡 What kinds of enterprise are best in the world?

What kinds of enterprise are best in the world?  Enterprises listed in Forbes500 and fortune500 are best?  Yes.  Some of them are best enterprises.


Today we usually use sales income and total capital to estimate enterprise’s value. It is hard to calculate the value of market influence force and innovation force.  Most of time we cannot know real profit of many enterprises due to false finance accounts.  Today some enterprises are listed in fortune500, tomorrow they will go bankrupt probably.


In our opinion Best Enterprise have not only largest sales incomes, but also should have some conditions below.


1.       Best Enterprises should have strong ability to win the competition in difficult and low market environment.

As we know Swiss Watch Manufactures had to disappear hardly in the world facing Japanese watch’s competition before. At last Swiss Watch Manufactures win the competition, they create great ideas and products for global customers. Their wonderful designing win people’s heart.

The second example Apple computer invent Internet music store and I-pod at most difficult time, I-pod and music store save Apple and create new and great Apple again.


2.       Best Enterprises should have long term of excellent capability of innovation.

Today Microsoft and Intel listed ahead of Fortune500 because they have leading capability of technology innovation. Google rush out of tough competition in IT industry within only several years because it has astonishing innovation of technology and management.


Today is knowledge age and information era. Everything has changes promptly. Any enterprises cannot keep their leading position if they only depend on their advantages of finance and large scales.


We believe there are more and more new enterprises which will grow up and win the competitions facing old giants in the world everyday.


 world best卡 What kinds of enterprise are best in the world?

Our Foresight Marketing Consultant can supply you creative strategy on marketing and management for global enterprises.


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什么样的企业才是全球最优秀的企业? 财富杂志500大企业是最优秀的吗? 是。 其中有一部分是最优秀的。


今天我们往往还是用销售收入和资产来评价一个企业的价值。 可是我们很难去判断一个企业的市场影响力和企业创造力。许多时候我们甚至无法判断企业的真实利润,因为我们看到的是虚假财务报表。 常常我们还会看到今天被列在财富500大企业,明天因一个突发事件而倒塌了。




1.  最优秀企业必须有足够的能力在市场最困难和低迷的时刻去赢得市场胜利。

我们清楚记得瑞士整个钟表行业曾经面对日本手表产品的竞争几乎到了全军覆没的地步,最后瑞士人靠自己的智慧和方面创造了全新的时装手表SWATCH, 不仅赢回全球市场,还拯救了瑞士手表工业,同时还为世界创造了全新思维概念的手表。



2.  最优秀的企业必须拥有长期的杰出的创新能力。




今天已经是一个知识和信息时代,任何企业想依靠资金和规模横行市场是完全不可能的。因为今天每时每刻一切都会发生意想不到的变化。 一个两三个人的网络企业,三五年之内成为几十亿美圆资产的企业过去能够想象吗? 现在这种故事NASDAQ市场每天都可以上演。




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