大学英语面试问题答案 英语面试问题及答案(二)

About Your Educational Background

I:Were you in a leading position when you were a college student?

C:·Yes. I was president of Student Council of our university.

·Yes. I served as the Class President for two years.

·Yes. I was the Vice President in my junior and senior years.

·Yes. I was the class commissary in charge of studies (recreational activities, physical culture, labour).

·No. But I was the captain of the university football team.



 大学英语面试问题答案 英语面试问题及答案(二)




I:Did you get any honors or rewards at your university?

C:·Yes. I was chosen as a“Three Goods” student for several times.

·Yes. I got the university scholarship in l999-2000 academic year.

·Yes. I received the departmental scholarship in my senior year.

·Yes.I won the first place in the English Oratorical Contest of our university in l998.

·Yes. I got the first-class prize for the drawing contest of our college in l997.

·Yes. I got the second place for the 4 by 100 metres relay-race in the university sports meet in l998.

·Yes. I received the second-class reward in the Olympic Physics Competition of our province in high school.

·Yes. I won the championship (runner-upship) in mens long distance race in l997.










I:Were you invoived in any club activities at your university?

C:·Yes. I was in the chess club for four years. Playing chess cultivated my patience and perseverance.

·Yes.I was in the drawing club for three years. And I won the first place in the drawing contest in l999.

·Yes. I was a member of the university singing club for two years.

·Yes. I was a violin (piano, flute) player in the college orchestra.

·Yes. I was the captain of the university football team.

·Yes. I was on the college basketball team.







I:What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college?

C: ·I usually went swimming in summer and went joggin gin winter.

·I sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball.

·I usually took part in recreational activities.





I:Is there anything you regret not having done or would like to have done differently at college? C:·I devoted almost all my time to my studies, and laid a good, solid foundation of my major area, and that was good, I think. But I think probably it would have been better if I had gotten a little more involved in extracurricular activities.

·I spent so much time on club activities during the four years. However, I did not miss any of my classes. But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put more time and energy into studying, looking back on it.


C:·我把我几乎所有的时间都用到了学习上,因而在我专攻的领域打下了良好而扎实的基础,我认为那很 好。但是我想如果我多参加一些课外活动,或许会更好。


I:Was there any teacher who impressed you very deeply during your student life?

C:Yes. When I was a college student, our English professor left a deep impression on me. In class, he was responsible in teaching and very strick with us students. But out of class, he treated us as his own sons and daughters. We all liked him very much.




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