36氪共享图书馆 面向知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理(上)



关 键词


Sharing knowledge-oriented library human resources management core studies

Writer : Chun Liu Huang Instructor : Jiu Chang Zhou Associate professor




Human resources are the most important resource of library, the library plays a dominant role. As library services, material resource use, operation and configuration, and shaping the image of the library are chaired and realized. Meanwhile, high-quality human resources is the strength of the library, is the cause of sustainable development library foundation. At this stage, to the "business" of management neglect library human resources development and utilization, it contrary to the librarian play the important role in the library. Computer technology, network technology and modern information technology is developing rapidly, the cause of the library have a direct impact, automation, digital and network has become an inevitable trend, the aim is to use modern technology and services, library works to improve efficiency, to improve service quality, to adapt to the knowledge-sharing for library users of the library under the changing demands. Knowledge-sharing in the face of modern library management, human resources management recruitment, training development, performance management and pay management is the core library management, this paper-oriented knowledge-sharing from the library human resources management about the significance, combining human resources situation analysis carried out to explore.

Key words


 36氪共享图书馆 面向知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理(上)

 knowledge sharing; Library; Human resources management.

目   录


1 面向知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理核心内容研究的意义··· 1

2 知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理现状与问题··· 2

2.1国内知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理现状与问题··· 2

2.2国外面向知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理现状与问题··· 4

3 基本概念··· 4

3.1 人力资源的概念及基本特征··· 4

3.2人力资源管理的概念··· 7

3.3图书馆人力资源管理的概念与特征··· 7

3.4知识共享的概念、特征和功能··· 9

3.4.1知识共享的概念··· 9

3.4.2知识共享的特征··· 10

3.4.3知识共享的功能··· 10

3.5 面向知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理的概念··· 11

4 面向知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理研究的核心内容··· 12

4.1 图书馆的知识共享··· 12

4.2 知识共享对图书馆人力资源管理的要求··· 12

4.3 面向知识共享的图书馆现代人力资源管理的重要内容、侧重点    13

4.3.1知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理的招聘管理··· 13

4.3.2知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理的培训开发··· 14

4.3.3知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理的绩效考评··· 16

4.3.4知识共享的图书馆人力资源管理的薪酬管理··· 18

4.4面向知识共享的图书馆现代人力资源管理与图书馆传统人事管理的简要比较    20

5 结论··· 21

致谢··· 21

参考文献··· 22


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/380917.html


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企业人力资源管理人员 通胀期的企业人力资源管理


高级人力资源管理师 “走出去”的人力资源管理(三)


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