德尔未来最新消息今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来1

It was 10am and I was doing my 12km jog along the scenic seaside with blue skies, blue-green seas, green trees, colorful flowers, birds chirping and sweet floral fragrance. It was a sunny day and I enjoy every minute of the run. There was hardly anyone except for another jogger, a couple and some cleaners.


 德尔未来最新消息今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来1
It is a simple pleasure in life but not many people got to enjoy it. They are either too busy working or managing their work and lives. When I got home, a cleaning staff asked me if I was not working for that day. I replied yes and added that I do not work everyday. She was stunned and explained that I am an investor. She asked how could I afford to live in such an expensive condominium without working.



My short investment lesson number one to her was “Investors do not work for the money, they let their money work for them. Yes, the money is well invested in people who can grow their money. Companies and assets cannot grow money on its own; it is people.”


People need leadership, guidance, motivation, reward and sense of mission in order to achieve peak performance. Managers are therefore needed to think, plan, organize, delegate, monitor, motivate and most important of all – talent scout and groom – people so as to achieve goals and profits. Managers’ principal role is not to DO; they are there to leverage on resources and harmonize people to achieving benefits for the customers, employees, stakeholders and society.


Investors look at the quality of the managers managing the organization before they invest. In short, investors want to know if the management can ACHIEVE results. Investors do not fancy “popular” managers who could not deliver. A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. She was charismatic and popular but the board wanted PROFITS. She had to leave and HP had to pay her enormously so that a new CEO can do the job.


Most MBA programs teach managers to “administer” instead of “investing” in people and resources. That is why the degree is called “Masters in Business Administration”. It is fine just to become the “administrator” of a result-achieving organization but most entities need more than that. What is badly needed are managers who can achieve results by making people work effectively with leveraged resources.  



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/369468.html


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