站在未来看今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来4

How to stay relevant and creative to stay on top?


Things are never the same but our human needs remain the same. This is a perennial investment opportunity. The need to be entertained exist all these while but the way to be entertained changes over time. During my time, a portable walkman would made my day. Today, I use a tiny MP3 player, compressed hundreds of my favorite songs into it. It made us throw away our old stuff and spent large sums of money on the new stuff to satisfy the same old need.



The managers’ challenge is to help the team to stay relevant and be creative to create “happenings”. Managers must not allow happenings to destroy their organizations; they must develop new stuff, new ways and new ideas, to seize opportunities and create the changes that will put the company in an advantageous position. This is the only way to enhance our investments. If you can make more money with MP3 players, why are still struggling with the old portable cassette player?


According to the Economist Intelligence Unit 2005 report, it was reported that one of the top three risks is that companies are not innovative enough. It stated that great companies stay innovative all the time. For companies to prosper, managers must invest in creative ideas, products, services, concepts and a system that makes people churn out profitable innovations.


Being creative is not something for mad people or geniuses. All people can be creative as long as they can observe old problems lurking around us and then start thinking aloud of ways to solve them. Managers should offer their colleagues, suppliers, stakeholders and most important of all customers the opportunity and reward to suggest “newness” to the company’s products, services, systems, procedures, business processes, and money-making ways.


 站在未来看今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来4
Investors like to have plenty of options to choose from when they invest. Similarly, the manager must have many new suggestions to choose from and decide using their well-defined investment criteria – the idea with lowest cost and risks and with the highest returns.

What are you doing to get more creative ideas to perfect your choice?




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