让未来记住今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来5

 让未来记住今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来5

How to create opportunities for all to earn more?


The starting point to allow people around you to earn more is to appreciate and deploy their competence and influence. No smart manager would ask a brilliant scientist, who hates selling, to sell the company’s inventions. Being the best in the lab may not necessary mean being good in the market. Human beings have their strengths and their other points. When the scientist does his best, he earns more. Similarly, when the production operators do their best, they earn more too.


When people realize that they can earn more, be it money, recognition or satisfaction, they invest more of their dedication. This way, all parties gain. Think for a moment and ask why is it that there are so many bosses complaining that their people are “bad workers”. Is there something wrong with the workers or the bosses?


当员工认识到他们能获取更多诸如金钱、认同感和满足感时,他们的奉献也越多。这样就能实现共赢。 想一想,问一问为什么有那么多老板抱怨他们的员工不尽职尽责,这是员工的错还是老板的错呢?

I learnt my lesson during my time as a manager. When the people I deployed cannot perform and deliver the results, I was fully responsible because I was the one who selected and put the person to tackle the tasks. I was wrong because the inappropriate person was chosen; I did not provide them with the skills and tools to get the results. All these caused the person to fail and as a result, earn less. I chose wrongly; neglected to amass the resources needed and worst of all, did not monitor and motivate the person.


If managers sincerely want their people to earn more, first know them thoroughly as an inpidual, their strengths, motivations and dreams; placed them in teams or situations that their strengths can become profitable contributions; amass and leverage on resources so that they have the tools and support to do their jobs well; keep monitoring and coaching them to achieve MORE. This system will allow people to earn more money, recognition, satisfaction and happiness.

What systems do you have to help people to earn MORE?




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/369463.html


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