财源宝投资 《投资式管理》第二章 点石成金——从资源到财源4

How to leverage the most out of the West and best of the East?


We invested in a technical services company that serves the oil companies in China. To prepare this company for a public listing outside China, we introduced many Western management practices into this typical China company. First, we held monthly reviews to get all the managers updated on the various departments’ performance and developments. They were encouraged to present and talk about their business. The boss was advised to refrain from giving specific instructions on what the managers should do. The CEO’s role was to get as many views and options as possible and then ask the managers how they would decide. After getting the managers’ input and their choice of options, the CEO made his decision using a set of defined criteria and guidelines set by the board of directors.



The CEO even commented that he felt uncomfortable with such a process as he was used to making decisions all by himself and simply gave instructions for people to execute. He rewarded those staff that made it in a low-key manner. There was little or no sharing of such sorts on a structured basis. It was very new to them.


As foreign partners, we asked questions like the number of people and assets deployed at a particular location; their production output, value add per worker, return on assets, internal rate of returns, cash flow and stock balance, contingent liabilities, possible risks and their quantifiable financial damage and so on. The CEO and the managers were puzzled by such quantitative analysis. They were getting the first taste of what fund managers, research analysts, stock market media specialists, bankers, shareholders and stock exchanges would ask them. These queries are typical of Western management analysts who try to get the most out of everything.



Whereas in the Eastern oriented management, our Chinese CEO would always feel concern for his managers having to travel so far to be in the meeting. He would prefer his managers to actually stay on-site to continuously work there and “save” his time doing something rather than attending to an unimportant event like a review.


He would try not to make the other party feel bad if others were doing well. He would prefer to reward his staff through his personal budget without letting others know about it with the aim of building a harmonious team. These are noble aims and acceptable Eastern management practices. In fact, it is such pragmatic and personalized management that made family empires thrive in Asia.     


 财源宝投资 《投资式管理》第二章 点石成金——从资源到财源4

Managers and business operators in small and medium-sized companies suffer the agony of choosing the type of management practice to adopt. The choice would really depend on the shareholding structure and type of shareholders. If there are employees, foreigners, fund managers as your shareholders, it is best to adopt the Western management practice of open and objective accountability with the basic aim of achieving more. The Eastern management practice can add a smoother and more humanistic flavor to the harsh business practices. People give their best and dedication when managers and investors really feel and care for them. After all management is about getting results through harmony.

What management practices you would adopt to enhance profitability and harmony?

中小型企业的经理人和企业经营者在选择采取什么样的管理风格时苦恼不已。 选择得取决于股权结构和股东的类型。如果是员工、外国人、基金经理人做股东的话,最好采取西方公开、客观的管理方式,责任和利益相对应;而东方的管理实践增加了软性的、更人文主义的东西。只要经理人和投资者真心关注他们的员工,员工就会努力工作,无私奉献。



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/369456.html


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