权益资本成本 《投资式管理》第三章 事半功倍——从成本到资本3

How to increase productivity of resources and not cost cutting alone?


I met a Hong Kong movie producer some years back and picked up a lesson on cost cutting and productivity. He told me that the strategy of finding ways and means to cut cost is a double-edged sword; it cuts both ways. Can you imagine who will want to work with you if you kept cutting corners? The colleagues will be so concerned with the thought of when the cutting would come to them. Would such thoughts be productive for the company as a whole? Our performance suffers. How would you feel when told that your salary would be cut by 35% each year or the company would find new replacements at half your cost? Or that you are no longer cost competitive when you are 40 years old; when you need stability and money most badly at this stage of your life?



 权益资本成本 《投资式管理》第三章 事半功倍——从成本到资本3
He paid his entire movie team based on performance. If the movie scored big time, they earn big time. He was totally transparent with his books. The entire team could see how much he put in. His formula was simply this: whatever he put in first, he got the first bite of the profit by recovering his money first. The rest is shared. He made many movies and made many people rich.


He went on to open a restaurant serving porridge. Again, he come up with a very interesting model. It is the first 24-hour restaurant serving porridge in super big bowls. Why 24 hours? He reasoned that most restaurants do not operate the whole day but pay very high rental for the hours they do not open for business. He wanted to amortize his fixed rental cost by stretching the operating hours. He explained, “My fixed rental is $60,000 per month. If I run it for 8 hours a day, it is $250 per hour. Now that I run it for 24 hours a day, it is only $83 per hour. I need only to sell 2 bowls of porridge to recover my rent.”


The challenge for him was to come up with a concept that can pull in the crowd at different day parts. His crew went on to tell me that they have customers who take porridge for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night supper. Breakfast and lunch are targeted at the people working within the vicinity. Families went there for their delicacy porridge. Since the owner was a movie producer, his clienteles were the movie stars, singers and celebrities for his late night supper segment.


The key learning point is that we have to be creative to think of ways to maximize the usage of our assets and resources within the same time frame. The movie producer thought of ways to lure in the customers at different times of the day. He devised a variable income system to get people to contribute without the usual heavy front-end costs. Think productivity first and devise creative ways to address costs challenges.

What are you doing to address your costs challenges to improve productivity?




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/369453.html


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