英国nuts杂志下载 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(11)









 英国nuts杂志下载 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(11)


The following table is based on the following :

8226; Yr 1 – No pronounced increase in occupancy through implementation of marketing campaign as implementation and effects will take time to filter through. No change to ticket price to discourage current market.

8226; Yr 2 – Further increase in occupancy through improvement in marketing campaign, attracting a greater range of market segments.

8226; Yr 3 – Small increase in ticket price to ensure high occupancy is maintained.

8226; Northumbria used as a permanent venue, capacity of 300 seats, charged at cost


Figure 18 – Financial Projection Table

 Occupancy(seats) Ticket Price (£’s) Sales (£’s)

YR 1   

First Night 60% £4 £720

Second Night 70% £4 £840

Third Night 90% £4 £1,080

Fourth Night 100% £4 £1,200

Total Income p/p*   £3,840

Total Income**   £30,720

YR 2   

First Night 70% £4 £840

Second Night 80% £4 £960

Third Night 100% £4 £1,200

Fourth Night 100% £4 £1,200

Total Income p/p*   £4,200

Total Income**   £33,600

YR 3   

First Night 70% £5 £1,050

Second Night 80% £5 £1,200

Third Night 100% £5 £1,500

Fourth Night 100% £5 £1,500

Total Income p/p*   £5,250

Total Income**   £42,000

* Based on a production of four plays      ** Based on eight sets of productions

Costs (based on one set of four productions)

8226; Based on unlikely assumption that all productions cost the same – however this is the only relevant information available for comparison

Figure 19 – Performance Cost Projection

Item Expense

Venue (Northumbria Union) £480 (Maximum cost charged)

Technical  SPONSORED

Set £264.70

Costumes £15.60

Props £55.75

Miscellaneous £111.32

Publicity £261.61

Electronic Drum Hire £155.00

Total Cost £1343.98

Total Cost Per Year £10,751.00

Note: Costs are obtained from single available set of data (Xmas Pantomime). Since the additional financial information provided was inadequate for further detailed analysis.


8226; The table below represents what we believe to be a stretching but financially achievable goals.

8226; Calculations are based on costs remaining constant, this however is unlikely to remain stable, however since notable savings may be made through agreements with Northumbria Union of a discounted rate for permanent use of the venue and an opportunity for increases in sponsorship, this outweighs potential cost increases.

Figure 20 – Profit Projection Table

Year Income (£) Cost (£) Profit (£)

Yr 1 £30,720 £10,751 £19,969

Yr 2 £33,600 £10,751 £22,849

Yr 3 £42,000 £10,751 £31,249

( The End)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/367417.html


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