关键词:艾滋 世界艾滋病日 艾滋防治 艾滋病检测 窗口期 1. 什么是艾滋病病毒抗体检测? 艾滋病病毒抗体检测是最广泛的用来进行艾滋病病毒感染的诊断的实验室检测。艾滋病病毒感染人体后会产生抗体,世界健康网(health.icxo.com)因此,在检查出抗体时,也就一定有病毒存在。同时也证明了已经被HIV感染。所以通常应用艾滋病病毒抗体检测,作为感染的证据。 2. 为什么不用抗原检测和病毒分离的方法判断是否感染艾滋病病毒? 抗原检测虽可在一定情况下采用,但因其敏感度不够高,价格贵,而且只能比抗体检测提前1周左右时间测出,故不常用。 病毒分离需在特定的超净实验室进行,而且价格昂贵,病毒分离阳性率仅30%--60%,故此方法主要用于实验室研究。 因此,目前临床上采用的常规方法是艾滋病病毒抗体检测。 3. 什么是艾滋病病毒初筛试验和确证试验? 常规艾滋病病毒抗体检测方式由初筛试验和确证试验两次检测组成。首先进行初筛试验,初筛试验的敏感性高,凡初筛试验阳性者必须进一步做确证试验,确证试验的特异性强。确证试验阳性者方可诊断为艾滋病病毒感染。 4. 为什么艾滋病病毒初筛试验阳性还必须做确证试验? 由于一旦做出HIV感染的诊断,必定给患者带来巨大的医学、心理和社会后果,而且目前常用的酶联免疫吸附试验在低危人群中的特异性不理想,所以必须用其他的方法去验证,最常用的验证方法是免疫印迹试验(WB)也就是我们所说的确证试验。
5. 确证为艾滋病病毒抗体检测结果为阳性,说明什么? 确证为艾滋病病毒抗体阳性说明: (1)受检者已经感染了艾滋病病毒; (2)目前受检者体内有艾滋病病毒,是艾滋病病毒感染者或艾滋病病人: (3) 受检者有可能将病毒传染给他人。
6. 确诊艾滋病病毒抗体检测结果为阴性,说明什么?
阴性结果有两种可能: (1) -是受检者没有感染艾滋病病毒; (2) 二是虽受到艾滋病病毒感染,但还没有产生足够的能检测出的抗体,仍处窗口期内。如果确实有过高危行为,要随访3-6个月。 “根据全国艾滋病检测技术规范(2004年版)的有关规定:如果近期有高危行为,如性乱、注射毒品等,或有急性流感样症状等情况,为排除因“窗口期”而出现的假阴性结果,建议高危行为后3个月时再做抗体检测。也可进行HIV-1 P24抗原或HIV核酸检测,作为辅助诊断。 如果检测结果为“HIV抗体不确定(±)”,需要进行以下处理:(1) 随访复检:每3个月随访复检1次,连续2次,共6个月。如果检测时暴露时间已超过3个月,则在3个月后随访1次即可。(2) 必要时可做HIV-1 P24抗原或HIV核酸测定,但检测结果只能作为辅助诊断依据,确认报告要依据血清学随访结果。7. 窗口期是什么意思? 了解它有什么意义?
人体受到艾滋病病毒感染后,病毒激发人体免疫系统产生抗体,抗体达到一定数量时,可在血液及其它体液中测出。从感染艾滋病病毒到抗体可测出这段时间称为“窗口期”。窗口期-般为2周至3个月,极少数延迟反应可能要到6个月。了解窗口期有以下意义: ( 1 )如果有高危险行为史或出现可疑症状者,初次查艾滋病病毒抗体若为阴性应考虑“窗口期”问题,须按医生指导约定时间复查。 (2 )在等待复查结果的这段时间,要心境平和,要有思想准备,万一己感染,而恰处窗口期,检查艾滋病病毒抗体虽为阴性,但体内已有病毒,已具有传染性,此时,必须防止传播给他人。也就是说,在此期内要避免任何的高危行为,如安全的性行为、不共用注射器、不献血、妇女避免受孕或哺乳等。 8. 早期艾滋病病毒感染的诊断有什么意义? 有些就诊者认为艾滋病既然无法治愈,查出来也没有用,不愿进行艾滋病病毒抗体检测。实际上,早期诊断、早期治疗不仅有利于延缓病情发展,提高生活质量,还可及时保护他人免受感染,有利于艾滋病的控制,具体说早期诊断有如下意义: (1)及时改变危险行为,避免危险因素; (2)加强自我保护,定期到医院检查,预防机会性感染的发生;及时开展高效抗逆转录病毒治疗,延缓疾病的进程。 (3)及时采取措施保护他人,如使用安全套,做好家庭内防护, 注意消毒等; (4)慎重考虑有关婚姻、生育哺乳等问题。9. 及早进行艾滋病病毒抗体检测,可以得到哪些益处?
(1)如果检测结果为阴性,可尽早解除原有的担忧; (2 )如果检测结果为阳性, 早期诊断后,可以及时得到专业医生的指导,及早注意采取健康的生活方式,延缓向艾滋病发展,并采取必要的措施,防止将病毒传给他人。 但如处理不当,也可能产生不好的影响,比如,增加心理压力,受歧视,影响生活的其它方面( 如申请保险、就业等) 。 检测前医生一般应向就诊者说明可能产生的正反两方面的影响。 作为就诊者,即使确诊为阳性,亦应镇定乐观, 请查询“一旦感染了艾滋病怎么办”相关内容。 10. 哪些人应考虑去做艾滋病病毒抗体的检测? 有下列情况应考虑去做艾滋病病毒抗体检测: (1)曾经有高危险行为的人。如多性伴者,男同性恋或男男性行为者,卖淫嫖娼者,共用注射器吸毒者及他们的性伴等; (2)在感染者较多的地区或血液安全没有保障的条件下接受过输血的人; (3) 艾滋病病毒抗体阳性的妇女所生的婴儿; (4) 艾滋病病毒抗体阳性者的配偶。11. 艾滋病病毒抗体检测的原则是什么?
(1) 自愿:是否接受艾滋病抗体的检测完全根据个人意愿,自己做出选择。他人无权干涉。 (2) 匿名:进行艾滋病抗体检测可以不使用真实的姓名、工作单位等个人信息。 (3) 保密: 检测的结果和有关的一切资料都是保密的。除非检测者本人同意,否则你的父母、配偶或性伴侣、朋友和单位的领导都不会知道你的检测结果。HIV Testing
Key words: HIV World AIDS Day to Combat HIV AIDS testing window period 1. What is the HIV antibody test? HIV antibody testing is the most widely used HIV diagnostic laboratory testing. HIV-infected human body produce antibodies, the World Health Network (health.icxo.com) As a result, the check-out, it must be the existence of the virus. At the same time, also has proved to be infected with HIV. Therefore, applications are usually HIV antibody testing, as evidence of infection. 2. Why do not antigen detection and virus isolation methods to determine whether the HIV infection? Although the antigen test can be used under certain circumstances, but because of their sensitivity is not high enough, your price, and can only detect antibodies than 1 week in advance about the test of time, it is not commonly used. Virus isolation in particular need of clean laboratory, and expensive, virus isolation positive rate of only 30% - 60%, therefore the main method used for laboratory research. As a result, the current clinical use of the conventional method is to detect HIV antibodies. 3. What is the HIV screening test and confirmatory test? Conventional HIV antibody test by screening tests and tests confirmed the two components of testing. First of all, to carry out screening tests, screening test of high sensitivity, a positive screening test must be done to further confirmatory test, test specificity and corroboration. Confirmatory test positive can be diagnosed as HIV-infected. 4. Why is HIV-positive screening test must also do tests confirm? Once due to make a diagnosis of HIV infection, patients must be brought to the huge medical, psychological and social consequences, and is currently used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the low-risk population of poor specificity, it must be the other way Authentication, the most commonly used method is to verify the Western blot test (WB) are what we call the confirmatory test. 5. Conclusive evidence for the HIV antibody test results were positive, what? Conclusive evidence for HIV-positive: (1) of the subjects have been infected with the AIDS virus; (2) of the subjects have HIV in the body is infected with HIV or AIDS patients: (3) of the subjects may have transmitted the virus to others. 6. Diagnosed HIV antibody test results were negative, what? There are two possible negative results: (1) - subjects are not infected with HIV; (2) Second, despite being infected with HIV, but have not yet sufficient to detect the antibody, is still a window period. If indeed there was high-risk behavior, follow-up to 3-6 months. "According to the National AIDS testing specification (2004 edition) with the relevant provisions: If the recent high-risk behavior, such as promiscuity, such as injecting drug users, or acute flu-like symptoms, and so on, in order to exclude the" window period "and the emergence of false-negative As a result, the proposed high-risk behavior within 3 months after the detection of antibodies to do when. Can carry out HIV-1 P24 Antigen, or HIV nucleic acid testing, as a diagnosis. If the test results to "HIV antibody uncertainty (±)", need to deal with the following: (1) follow-up review: every 3 months follow-up review 1st, 2nd in a row, a total of 6 months. If you detect when exposed to more than 3 months, 3 months after the follow-up to 1. (2), if necessary, to do HIV-1 P24 Antigen, or HIV nucleic acid determination, but the results can only be based on the diagnosis and confirmation of the report should be based on the serological results of the follow-up. 7. Window period What does this mean? Understand what is the point? Human being infected with HIV, the virus to stimulate the body‘s immune system to produce antibodies that reach a certain number of antibodies, in blood and other body fluids to detect. From antibodies to HIV could be detected during this period of time known as the "window period." Window - like 2 weeks to 3 months, a very small number of responses may be delayed until 6 months. Understanding of the significance of the window period are as follows: (1) If there is the history of high-risk behavior or suspicious symptoms, the initial check for the HIV antibody negative should be considered if the "window period", according to the guidance of a doctor make an appointment to review. (2) waiting for the results of the review period, it is necessary to calm state of mind, there must be mentally prepared for the event has been infected, and the Department just window, check for HIV antibodies, although negative, but the body has the virus, has been contagious, At this point, the need to prevent the spread to others. In other words, in this period to avoid any high-risk behavior, such as safe sex, do not share syringes, blood donation is not for women to avoid pregnancy or breast-feeding, and so on. 8. Early diagnosis of HIV infection have any significance? Some believe that AIDS treatment since there is no cure, has not found out, do not want to conduct HIV antibody testing. In fact, early diagnosis, early treatment is beneficial not only slow the progression of the disease, improve the quality of life, but also in a timely manner to protect others from infection, will help control AIDS, said the specific significance of early diagnosis of the following: (1) changes in risk behavior in a timely manner to avoid the risk factors; (2) to enhance self-protection on a regular basis to the hospital for examination, to prevent the occurrence of opportunistic infections; in a timely manner to carry out highly active anti-retroviral treatment, delaying the process of the disease. (3) in time to take measures to protect others, such as the use of condoms, do a good job in family protection, and attention to sterilization, and so on; (4) give serious consideration to the marriage, birth breast-feeding. 9. Early detection of HIV antibodies, which can get the benefits? (1) If the test results were negative, can be lifted as soon as possible the original concern; (2) If the positive test results, early diagnosis can be obtained in a timely manner the guidance of professional doctors, pay attention to the early adoption of a healthy lifestyle, to delay the development of AIDS, and take the necessary measures to prevent the transmission of the virus to others. However, if handled properly, could have a bad influence, such as increasing the psychological pressure of being discriminated against, the impact on the lives of others (for example, to apply for insurance, employment, etc.). Detection of the former general should visit a doctor who might have both positive and negative. As a treatment, even if diagnosed as positive, optimistic calm should be, please, "Once infected with the AIDS how to do" related content. 10. Who do should consider HIV antibody test? Consideration should be given to any of the following do HIV antibody testing: (1) there was a high-risk behavior. If the number of sexual partners, gay or MSM, prostitution, drug addicts sharing syringes and their partners, and so on; (2) in the infected areas or more blood does not guarantee the safety conditions of the people who have received blood transfusion; (3) HIV-positive babies born to women; (4) HIV-positive spouse. 11. HIV antibody testing on the principle that what? (1) voluntary: whether or not to accept HIV antibody testing according to their personal will to make their own choices. Others have no right to interfere. (2) Anonymous: AIDS antibody testing may not use his real name, work unit, and other personal information. (3) confidentiality: the results of the testing and all information is confidential. Unless I agree with those who detect, or your parents, spouses or sexual partners, friends and leaders will not know your test results.