Nancy Shou 乐宁资深英语培训专家。旅美期间进修过教育学和心理学,熟知西方文化和社交礼仪,中西合璧的培训方法深得企业白领人士的欢迎。教育经验丰富,擅长根据企业的不同需求,设计具有行业特色的个性化培训方案。 中国经济的发展吸引了越来越多的财商和跨国公司到中国来投资,全球化的经济给商务人士提供了无限的发展平台和契机。更多地了解了国与国之间的文化差异和风俗习惯,能化被动为积极,避免误解,实现商务成就的最大化。下面就英美国家的基本文化礼仪做些介绍。 Business Etiquette in English 英国的商务礼仪 1. Always be punctual in England. Arriving a few minutes early for safety is acceptable.aihuau.com 准时出席商务活动,为了保证起见可以提前几分钟到达。 2. Decision-making is slower in England than in the Untied States; therefore it is unwise to rush the English into making a decision. 英国人比美国人做决定要慢些。因此催促英国人快做决定是不明智的。 3. A simple handshake is the standard greeting (for both men and women) for business occasions and for visiting a home. 无论是商务活动还是拜访朋友,简单的握手是男女宾客典型的欢迎礼仪。 4. Personal space is important in England, and one should maintain a wide physical space when conversing. Furthermore, it is considered inappropriate to touch others in public. 商务交际时,英国人喜欢相互间保持一定的距离。尤其在公共场合,触及对方被认为是极不礼貌的。 5. A business lunch will often be conducted in a pub and will consist of a light meal and perhaps a pint of ale. 习惯在公共餐厅用商务午餐,并共饮少量的啤酒。 6. When socializing after work hours, do not bring up the subject of work. 在下班后的社交活动时不谈论工作。 Business Etiquette in the United States 美国的商务礼仪 1. Business conversation may take place during meals. Business meetings may be arranged as breakfast meetings, luncheon meetings, or dinner meetings depending on time schedules and necessity. Generally a dinner, even though for business purposes, is treated as a social meal and a time to build rapport. 美国人喜欢在用餐时讨论问题。根据计划和需要可以把商务会议安排在早餐,午餐或者晚餐时间。即便出于商务的目的,晚餐通常被认为是一种社交活动,以便建立关系。 2. Gift giving is discouraged or limited by many US companies. A gracious written note is always appropriate and acceptable. An invitation for a meal is usually acceptable. 美国的许多公司不鼓励赠送礼物或对此加以限制。他们习惯接受书面的感恩或用餐邀请。 3. Many public places and private homes do not allow smoking. In some areas laws have been passed to prevent smoking in public places. 很多公共场合及私人地方不允许抽烟。有些地方已通过法律规定阻止公共场所抽烟。 4. As we all know, people should be willing to modify their own performance according to the other people抯 cultural background and custom during business. But don抰 copy their behavior or this may be embarrassing. 简言之,在商务交际中,商务人士应该根据对方的文化背景和风俗习惯调整自己的言行。但不要模仿他人的举动,否则会令人尴尬。