美国限制废纸出口 美国废纸为何成就了中国首富?








 美国限制废纸出口 美国废纸为何成就了中国首富?






Why Achieved Chinese No1 Richest Woman by American Waster Paper?

By Helen Y. Peng

16 years ago, I was criticized deeply by my overbearing scholar father when I engaged in my waster paper import trade with Master Degree of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in my pocket. However, it is very peculiar, today, that the two words-“waster Paper” and “the Chinese No1 richest”- seem to have no connection, but focus on the same body of natural person.

As the operator of the first successful trading in American waste paper imported to China, now I feel ashamed and deep sigh better!

Been great, but the brave people, this is an irrefutable truth in China

The reason that I opened the door of American waste paper imported to China, and inspected American waste paper market, and gave up  working in a shinning state-owned enterprise--China Packing Corporation because of the plot of my envious colleagues after return, was young and spirited, short-sighted and reckless. So that this trip to America and argue battle against my envious colleagues become my “Battle Waterloo”! Therefore, I become a lawyer from an ignoramus of law.

Why American imported waste paper trade is difficult is that the rich and varied content in American waste newspapers and waste magazines is incompatible with the current situation in China at that time. Thus, the import of waste paper must be supervised and regulated by Public Security Bureau of China. In fact, it is these elements and the high quality which Chinese paper still fail to come up to, that bring tremendous opportunities to Chinese import-traders of waste paper.

That time, what I imported is waste newspapers and waste magazines from America. Certainly, waste newspapers and waste magazines are different area. When I saw the so-called "waste" newspapers and magazines, I was amazed. Absolutely, they are very new but not waste .In fact, at that time, I thought if the strategy of these magazines do deal with the case, according to the new magazine, there will be unlimited market.

In China, that American waste paper can share market, is because the raw materials in the paper industry are used from logs of wood, Thus, in Northeast, the lush forests of Daxing‘anling and Xiaoxing‘anling have become Disabled and old age. China barren wood raw materials have failed to meet the growing demand of paper market, but instead of using renewable resources.

America waste paper is almost the best quality all over the word, and pulp out of the maximum rate.

American government and industry associations also attach great importance to waste regulation .ISRI enacted the "American standard paper" which describes the various indicators of waste paper, adulterant indexes and use. As the industry associations in China still hum bureaucratic babble of the 1990s , American industry associations have such professional provision, that make Chinese traders and mills feel humbled  . This is one of the reasons that more and more American waste paper is imported to China in large quantities after 1990s.

Chinese No1 richest woman can make success today, because she Understood the needs of Chinese paper mills personally on the scene, and seized the opportunity when China just begun to import large quantities of American waste paper .Compared the prices of the paper pulp with the prices of waste paper by Chinese paper mills, Consequently, the traders obtain their profits from price difference .The relationship between No1 richest woman and the waste paper, should owe to China‘s opportunism!  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/340102.html


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