营销心理学书籍 营销心理学研究系列(一) 岳飞之死:千古奇冤是秦桧



  1140年,千锤百炼出来的民间武装力量由岳飞带领,进行小南宋王朝的北伐,进攻河南郾城(是倚天屠龙记里郭靖防守的襄阳城的东北方向)。女真总司令完颜兀术集合重兵进行镇守,全国人民为岳飞当拉拉队,当时皇帝宋高宗赵构也发邮件给岳飞,请他小心应对。决战开始后,兀术使用拐子马,相当于冷兵器时代的坦克车,2000匹马,相当于600多辆坦克进行攻击,岳飞使用勾镰枪,专门砍马腿,取得实效,结果全胜。兀术悲痛地说:“自从故乡起兵,靠此制胜,今竟如此。” 兀术再集合部队反击,结果12万金兵在小商桥碰到岳飞部下杨再兴的八百名士兵,激战,结果杨的八百人全战死,金损失两千多人。兀术大惊,退避开封,岳兵团追到离开封四十里的朱仙镇。问题在这个时候产生了。岳飞不和宋高宗沟通,不请示,不报告,擅自对部队说,同志们!让我们打到黄龙,把两个皇帝接回来,然后我们喝啤酒,也!兀术此时心慌,准备北退,放弃黄河以南地区,退到燕京(今天的北京)。但他的一个参谋长阻止了他,对兀术说:“老大,不急!世界上从来没有听说过,当权人物在内部猜忌掣肘,而大将能够在外面建立功勋的。岳飞生命都有危险,岂能有所作为!” 兀术一听,心里顿时明白。












  启示三:政治和军事的斗争,官方和土匪的斗争,及任何行业的商业斗争,本质上都是成本和回报的数字游戏规则。所有的斗争中,沟通非常重要(参考:沈宗南 张京宏《规模化营销》,2008)。岳飞不沟通,不报告,自作主张,最后还是被活剥人皮的下场。所以,一定要多沟通报告,不丢人的。任何有效的管理系统里面,互相的沟通报告都是基本的流程。





  Marketing Psychology Study Series (a) Yue Fei‘s death: ancient grievances qi is Qin Hui 


  Authors: Zhang Jing-hong 

  Time: Second Sunday, April 12 nine-OO 

  Location: Shanghai Office 

  Theme: Management Essay 

  ID: SN_JJYLS_ZJH_20090412002_08GL 

  Motto: Department inaction things, the words not taught   

  Management and marketing of the highest state of human nature. To a certain extent, science and art are interlinked, management and marketing are the same, the same point is human nature. Marketing psychology is to study human psychology and the logic of science. I will be a series of in depth research to the market expectations of staff, marketing staff, sales staff, large customer sales, public relations staff and managers can reference and learn from some. 

  First, the death of Yue Fei a summary of the historical facts 

  In 1140, thoroughly tempered by the civil armed forces led by General Yue Fei, the small of the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty, Henan attack Yan Shing (the Dragon Saber Yitian defensive Yangyang Guo Jing in the northeast of the city). Nuzhen Wushu Wanyan commander-in-chief to conduct a large number of troops guarding the collection, when the National People‘s cheerleaders for the Yue Fei was also Zhaogou Emperor Song Gao Fei email, please respond to him very carefully. After the battle, use the kidnapper Wushu Ma, which is equivalent to the age of cold steel tanks, 2000 horses, which is equivalent to more than 600 tanks to attack the use of hook sickle Yuefei guns, specialized cutting leg to obtain practical results, the results of victory . Wushu sad to say: "Since the home raised an army, by this victory, this should be so."Wushu forces re-set back, resulting in 120,000 Jinbing bridge in the small business men metYnagzaixing Yuefei the 800 soldiers, fighting, resulting in Yang of the entire 800 people died, the loss of more than 2000. Wushu turn, retreat in Kaifeng, Yue Corps Sishili catch up with letters to leave the Zhuxian Town. The issue at this time born. Yue Fei and Song Gao do not communicate, do not ask, do not report unauthorized said of the troops and comrades! Let us reach the Huanglong, the two emperors back, and then we drink beer, also! Wushu flustered at this time, ready to back the North to give up the southern area of the Yellow River, back to Yanjing (today‘s Beijing). But one of his chief of staff stopped him, for Wushu said: "The boss is not radical! The world had never heard of, the ruling People suspicion in the internal constraints, and the general to the outside of the establishment of Merit. Fei‘s life has dangerous, how can we make a difference! "Wushu a heart to understand immediately. 

  The chief of staff of the judgeWushu entirely correct. The Universal Declaration of Yue Fei of the Southern Song emperor now prick of pain. Your ability to Yue Fei, and the two then come back to the emperor, the emperor to put there? What kind of names? Is not it? Song Emperor now has the highest authorities of the two biggest fear, first, the arrest of two gold suddenly put the emperor back to how to do that they also may not be school? Second, civil society leaders have taken place in similar "Chen Bridge mutiny" of the matter, or their own school. Interests in the country and I can continue to be their own mini-me between the emperor, Song Gao Zhaogou comrades are hiding something, but this Yuefei son, not even if asked not to report, and also promotion to take the two were arrested The Emperor came back, is politically naive. 

  And a person insight into the Song Emperor‘s heart, this man was the Supreme People‘s Procuratorate of the Deputy Procurator General, Named qinhui, cypress, we referred to as small Qin. Emperor Qin seize small psychological point and the proposed settlement, saying that reconciliation is only a means to remove the threat ofoffer . King pleasantly surprised, when the appointment of a small Qin prime minister, was named prime minister in charge of the negotiations and payment. 

  When the negotiations entered a critical stage, the small mountain Comrade (Yue) Zhuxian Town of troops have been hit. How do? King made 12 gold a day, require a small mountain troops, do not listen to is the mutiny. Yue Chung concept is only to obey. 

  Emperor of the generals to carry out rewarding. Hanshizhong when the Secretary of Defense, when the Deputy Minister of Yue Fei. At the same time, this is the lifting of the military power of the two. Fei also can not understand politics, saying opposed to reconciliation, to be patriotic and fight the enemy stronghold (of course the two back to the emperor). Qin Jin small time comrades have said that if the Emperor can not afford to rectify Zhaogou internal comrades, they had put back to straighten out the two emperors. Gao Fei was determined to get rid of, so do the things Qin Hui. Yue Qin small small rebellion that the arrest of General Yue Fei. Qin Q Hanshizhong small that you really, Qin Hui said: "unwarranted." Qin Nanjing, and trumped-up may be the local dialect, is about "no no" means. This kind of thing can not be made public executions, executions can only be a secret. Yue Yun Yue Fei and his son and several loyalty will have been executed in secret. Civil insisted that Yue Fei is a living, such as by stripping of human skin torture. 

  Yue Fei in 1141 as Wushu really the chief of staff said, were killed. Song of reconciliation in 1142, Song to concede defeat, Silver 250,000 annually to pay two to two and scattered to the Huaihe River as the border clearance. Large bulk clearance Shaanxi Baoji today. 

  Comrade Yuefei only 39 years old when sacrificed. People dared not responsible for the highest public accountability Emperor, Qin Hui Take an operation that is a bad guy small Qin. West Lake in Hangzhou today, Qin Yue Fei of the iron as in the grave before the tourists hit often, so these must be continuous iron casting like to assume. 

  We think the cerebellum: There is no support and command Emperor, Qin Hui Fei butyl of it? The two no personal enmity, nor the public hatred. The fundamental reason is the political moment Yue Gao a threat to the safety of the location of the emperor. 

  From this perspective, Qin Hui Qi is injustice through the ages.

  Second, the death of Yue Fei of the historical facts of the Enlightenment to the marketing of psychology 

  Inspiration I: Yue as we can to a large client manager, his boss is the Emperor, the Northern Expedition to attack the market. A client manager can be dry and stable, the key is the ability to pass on the basis of the assured to make the boss. Yue‘s fatal error was that he let the boss feel Gao Fei "With the customer in order to make the boss" is a high-tension line, you hit the enemy stronghold, winning the market, the final outcome of the boss to class, it was true, the boss on the first your school. Undigested light balance of human skin, there is no face-saving凌迟already quite polite. 

  Revelation II: large customer marketing manager should study psychology, both inside and outside at least. In addition to the market‘s basic ability to attack, there must be an internal struggle against the basic sense of direction, at least your boss to give a sense of security. Once the co-operation and psychological barriers and have a suspicion, then, after all the efforts and make up for all to no avail. If the matter to this stage, you have that capability as soon as possible of the place to find a suitable, decent end of cooperation. 

  Revelation Three: the political and military struggle, the struggle against the government and bandits, and the business fight against any industry, in essence, are the costs and returns the number of rules of the game. The struggle of all, communication is very important. Fei does not communicate, do not report, made the decision himself, or was the last living human skin peeling off. Therefore, we must communicate the report, do not lose face the. Any effective management system inside each other‘s reports are the basic communication process. 

 营销心理学书籍 营销心理学研究系列(一) 岳飞之死:千古奇冤是秦桧

  III Summary 

  A sense, marketing and management Psychology Psychology is the origin of logic in the same starting point. We work in specific applications in time, should be practical, from the logical and psychological analysis, and the work of the formation of a clear style, not the formation of the psychological barriers between each other and mutual understanding form the team, it can be be brought to fruition. 

  The above is my view, inappropriate, please criticism.   

  The original Simplified Chinese


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市场营销哲学 营销哲学研究系列(七) 死与不死

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