高斯09 (2008.09.16)长眠的阐释——高斯的后语会进入历史






下面先刊英语原文,前思后想,认为要补加翻译。难译,是由我翻的,其中「长眠」(long sleep)一词如何阐释有争议。不便问高斯,但按上文下理读者或可解通。全文如下(是录音翻出的没有文稿的讲话,文字上这里那里有点沙石):


Although I knew that I would have to say something at the end of the conference, I am nonetheless taken by surprise when I had to do it and I am not sure I know what I am going to say.  Which puts me in the same position you are in, you don’t know what I am going to say.


This conference has clearly been a great success.  I wanted this conference to take place because what happened in China was a great surprise to me.  If you are surprised at what happens, it means you don’t understand it, and I don’t understand it.  And I thought we should have a conference in which the participants in the events in China could speak as against having people who didn’t take part in the events and whose opinions weren’t always very reliable.  So we tried to get businessmen, government officials, academics who had been involved in the transformation to speak to us.


I must say I had belief in China’s future for a long time.  As a young boy I read Marco Polo, and just as he was amazed at what he found, so was I, and I felt here is a country with great potential but somehow didn’t achieve it.  And it was a puzzle to me as to why didn’t achieve it and I was very surprised when, in the period after 1978 it seemed it was going to achieve its potential.  And what I heard in this conference has confirmed this view.  I now have a feeling that the events which were set in motion in 1978 will be a great success.


However, human beings have a great capacity for messing things up.  You will understand that, when I describe what happened in my life.  When I was born in 1910, the industrial revolution has been absorbed in Europe.  The social system seemed stable.  And what happened when I was four the Great War opened.  It was a stupid war.  It achieved nothing worthwhile, in fact it did harm, and millions of men were killed.  People lost faith in the social system and then communism came in.  It was absolute disaster and it destroyed changes in attitude in people and resulted in a world a good deal worse than it was when I was born.


Now if you think of the present situation, that is, we have a situation in which everything seems be going along well, that’s what I’d learnt from this conference.  When I wrote the forward to Steven Cheung’s book of English articles, I said that the struggle for China is the struggle for the world, that I truly believe.  Well, will we actually achieve this desirable result?  Well of course I will never know although you will.  All I can do is to say that our discussions carried out will make it possible.  But to make it possible as we know is not enough.  The political regime has to carry out its actions.  Whether it will or not, I don’t know.  All I can do is to hope it will and to wish you well in the next hundred years.  And I can now thank you…thank you.


What you are going to do, as I am sure you are, is to bring about desirable results.  And I would think of you now, because it would be difficult to do much thinking in that long sleep which I am going to have.  But it makes me happy to think that you will, as is shown by what you said in this conference, make the efforts.  That makes me happy and I thank you.













 高斯09 (2008.09.16)长眠的阐释——高斯的后语会进入历史








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