为了评估在中国外资企业目前的看法和对未来的展望,《财富》(中文版)於 2001 年 1 月向 3,000 名外资企业的高级行政人员寄出调查问卷,这些人都是《财富》(中文版)的读者。寄出的调查问卷没有附带任何赠品,但提供了一个贴上邮票的回邮信封。
接受调查的 3,000 名经理人员分布在中国 29 个省市,其中将近 55% 在北京、上海和广州,80% 以上在上述三个城市以及江苏省、福建省、天津市、浙江省和山东省。
一共有 762 人回答了调查问卷,即占 25.4%。
In an effort to assess the current attitudes and outlook of foreign investors in China, FORTUNE China mailed survey forms in January 2001 to 3,000 senior managers in foreign invested enterprises, all of whom are readers of FORTUNE China.
Surveys were mailed without an incentive, although a stamped self-addressed envelope was provided.
The 3,000 managers surveyed are based in 29 different provinces and municipalities in China, although nearly 55% are based in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou; and more than 80% are based in these three cities plus Jiangsu, Fujian, Tianjin, Zhejiang, and Shandong. The response rate to the survey was 25.4%, or a total of 762 responses.
Attitudes of Foreign Invested Enterprises in China
Background of Respondents: Industry Sector and Length of Time in China
62% 的应答者在外资项目性质一栏把“制造业”列为其主要业务,20% 为“服务业”,7% 为“多元化行业”,10% 为“其他行业”。
Primary Nature of Business
More than half of respondents are primarily in manufacturing industries. Some 62% of respondents‘ foreign investment projects state "manufacturing" as their primary business, with 20% listing "services", 7% as "persified" and 10% as "other."
应答者的企业一般在中国市场建立业务已有一段时间,而不是最近才进入中国市场,95% 在中国经营已有三年以上的历史。只有 5% 是在最近一至三年内建立起业务。相比之下,有 46% 的企业在 5 年至 10 年前已成立,32% 超过 10 年。
Direct Presence in China First Established
Respondents are generally well established in the China market rather than newcomers, with 95% present for 3 or more years. Only 5% reported that their direct presence was first established within the past 1-3 years. By contrast, 46% reported their direct presence was first established 5-10 years ago, and 32% more than 10 years ago.
对经营环境的展望: 对中期表示乐观
Outlook on Business Environment: Medium-term Optimism
Respondents expressed negative views about the short-term business environment, shifting to a more optimistic view in the medium to long term.
对 2001 年经营环境的展望
6% 对 2001 年经营环境的展望是“差”,57% 认为“尚好”;27% 认为“好”或“极好”。
How Business Environment in 2001 is Viewed
6% said the outlook for 2001 was "poor", 57% said "fair"; with only 27% reporting "good" or "excellent".
对2001-2004 年经营环境的展望
对中期(即 2001-2004 年)经营环境的展望,63% 的回答是“好”或“极好”;27% 认为“尚好”,只有 1% 认为“差”。
How Business Environment in 2001-2004 is Viewed
For the medium term, 2001-2004, 63% said the outlook was either "good" or "excellent", 27% reporting "fair" and only 1% "poor".
对 2001-2006 年经营环境的展望
应答者对 2001-2006 年的五年展望比较正面。67% 的回答是“好”或“极好”;17% 认为“尚好”,只有 1% 认为“差”。
How Business Environment in 2001-2006 is Viewed
The five-year outlook from 2001-2006 is more positive, with 67% reporting "good" or "excellent"; 17% reporting "fair" and only 1%
China Operations Headquarters Locations
61% 应答者在中国的业务总部设在北京、上海和广州;其中上海领先,占 29%,北京为第二位,占 27%。
Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou were listed as the headquarters for China operations of some 61% of respondents, with Shanghai the leader at 29%, and Beijing in second place at 27%.
Staffing Levels: Increasing
32% 表示“保持不变”。只有 7% 预计会减少。
Over half (60%) of respondents stated the likelihood that their staffing levels will increase, with 32% saying they are likely to remain the same. Only 7% forecast a decrease.
Most Unsatisfactory Elements of Business Environment:
Corruption, Regulations, Environment
Corruption, environmental conditions, and the regulatory environment topped the list of respondents‘ feedback on the most unsatisfactory aspects of the business environment in China, out of a list of 12 items (see charts).
By contrast, labor costs, quality of life, and overall cost topped the list of the most satisfactory elements of the business environment.
注:由於部分应答者不回答此问题,总数加起来不等於 100%。
Note: Inpidual business environment elements do not add up to 100%
due to some repondents‘ lack of response
Biggest Constraints to Growth
外资企业认为发展业务的制约因素中最严重的是人力资源问题,19% 经营者表示这是最重要的制约因素。
Human resources issues topped the list of challenges identified as the biggest constraints to growth among foreign investor respondents, with 18% reporting it as the biggest single constraint.
Next in line, in order, came: transparency and consistency of regulations, market access issues, taxation, distribution problems, intellectual property rights and foreign exchange issues.
Profitability: Track Record and Outlook

过去 3-5 年的公司业绩
58% 应答者认为过去 3-5 年的公司业绩是“盈利合理”或“盈利十分可观”。26% 回答“收支平衡”,15% 回答“亏损”或“严重亏损”。
Company‘s Track Record over Past 3-5 Years
Reporting on the past 3-5 years, 58% of respondents said their business had been "reasonably profitable" or "very profitable". Another 26% said they had been "break-even" and 15% reported "unprofitable" or "very unprofitable".
对 3-4 年后的展望
对 3-4 年后的展望,78% 认为其业绩会“盈利合理”或“盈利十分可观”。19% 预计其业绩“收支平衡”,预期“亏损”或“严重亏损”的比率下降到 2%。
3-4 Year Outlook
Looking ahead 3-4 years, 78% expect their business to be "reasonably profitable" or "very profitable". Those expecting "break-even" results numbered 19%, with those expecting "unprofitable" or "very unprofitable" dropping to 2%.
Office Locations: Diverse
上海是应答者设立办事处最多的地点(占 58%),其次为北京(54%),广州(37%)和广东省其他地点(31%)。
最少有 13 个其他地点有 15% 以上的应答者公司设立办事处(见下图)。
Shanghai leads the list of office locations with 58% of respondents reporting an office there, followed by Beijing with 54%, Guangzhou with 37% and Guangdong (other than Guangzhou) with 31%.
At least 13 other locations were reported to have offices by 15% or more of respondents (see chart).
Additional Investment Plans: Fairly Bullish
65% 的应答者表示“很可能会”或“肯定会”在未来 1-3 年内增加在中国的投资,另外 32% 表示“大概不会”在这段时间内增加投资。
Respondents totalling 65% stated they will "probably" or "definitely" make additional investments within the 1-3 year time frame, with another 32% stating that they probably would not make additional investments in this time frame.
Hong Kong Presence
大约一半应答者(53%)在香港设有办事处,其中 25% 认为未来 1-3 年香港办事处的重要性会减少。另外 8% 认为香港办事处的重要性会加强;38% 认为香港办事处的重要性会保持不变。
About half of respondents (53%) said they have an office in Hong Kong. Of these, 25% expressed the view that their Hong Kong office would be less important during the next 1-3 years. Another 8% felt it would become more important; and 38% felt it would remain about the same in importance.