










  ? John Arquilla and David Ronfeld, Swarming and the Future of Conflict, Santa Monica, Ca?, RAND/National Defense Research Institute, 2000, in www?rand?org/pubs/documented_briefings/2005/RAND_DB311?pdf?

  ? Michael Dobbs, US Advice Guided Milosevic Opposition Political Consultants Helped Yugoslav Opposition Topple Authoritarian Leader, Washington Post, December 11, 2000?

  ? Ibid?

  ? Ibid?

  ? Jonathan Mowat, Coup d??tat in Disguise: Washington?s New World Order ‘Democratization’ Template, February 9, 2005, in http://globalresearch?ca/articles/MOW502A?html? The author is indebted to Mowat’s groundbreaking research on the role of Emery, RAND and others in creating the Color Revolution model for USled regime coups in Eurasia?

  ? Ibid?

  ? Ibid?

  ? William Blum, Killing Hope: U?S? Military and CIA Interventions since World War II, Monroe,Maine, Common Courage Press, 1995?

  ? Steve Kangas, A Timeline of CIA Atrocities, accessed in www?huppi?com/kangaroo/CIAtimeline?html?

  William Blum, Op? Cit?, p?259 discusses the CIA’s immunity from prosecution for crimes including assassination and bribery?

  Ibid?, pp?7283?

  Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, New York, HarperCollins, 1995, p? 256?

  Jonathan Mowat, Op? Cit?

  Eric Trist and Hugh Murray, The Social Engagement of Social Science—A Tavistock Anthology: The Foundation and Development of the Tavistock Institute to 1989, quoted in http://everything2?com/e2node/The%2520Tavistock%2520Institute?

  University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, Research Center for Group Dynamics, History, in http://www?rcgd?isr?umich?edu/history/?

  有关中情局在1968年推翻戴高乐运动中所发挥作用的简要背景,参见F? 威廉·恩道尔, 石油战争, Op? Cit?, pp? 124126? 中情局通过最初在斯特拉斯堡成立后来扩散到巴黎和法国其他地区的一个新左翼组织“情境画家国际”,来操纵法国学生的“蜂拥”行动。即使有强大势力的法国共产主义者贸易联盟(CGT),也未能平息学生的造反。戴高乐因反对美国把持北约而被视为是前苏联的“朋友”。

  Jonathan Mowat, Op? Cit?

  霍华德因其在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的工作而成为美国全球化模式的重要战略学家。在沃顿商学院,作为跨国企业联盟主席和世界机构研究中心创建人和主任领导了国际化进程。在此期间他与同事泰维斯托克研究所的埃里克一道,形成了有关全球化社会企业的社会体系结构的构想,这是21世纪组织的范式基础。在沃顿商学院,他引进了跨国企业的全球化社会体系结构、跨国组织发展、全球性战略联盟、全球化城市和全球化教育的研究和教学,课程名称叫“第一个全球文明背景下的跨文化管理”。引自http://www? deepdialog?com/dr_perlmutter/index?html?

  John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, In Athena’s Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, MR880OSD/RC, 1997?

  Jonathan Mowat, Op? Cit?


  Amitabh Pal, Gene Sharp: The Progressive Interview, The Progressive, March 1, 2007?


  SourceWatch, Open Society Institute, cited in http://www?sourcewatch?org/index?php?title=Soros_Foundation?

  Jonathan Mowat, Op? Cit?

  The Albert Einstein Institution, in http://www?aeinstein?org/?

  SourceWatch, Albert Einstein Institution, in http://www?sourcewatch?org/index?php?title=Albert_Einstein_Institution#Advisors_?2819931999?29?

  BBC News, Text of Bush Speech in Tbilisi, 10 May, 2005, accessed in http://news?bbc?co?uk/2/hi/europe/4534267?stm?

  Cited in William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World?s Only Superpower, Common Courage Press, 2000, p? 180?

  Zbigniew Brzezinski, A Geostrategy for Eurasia, Foreign Affairs, September/ October 1997?

  F? William Engdahl, A Century of War: AngloAmerican Oil Politics and the New World Order, London, Pluto Press, 2004, pp?253255?

  Dick Cheney, Remarks to the London Institute of Petroleum Autumn Lunch, September 1999, published by the Institute of Petroleum June 8, 2004 and subsequently removed from their own website? Archived and reprinted in full at http://www?energybulletin?net/node/559?

  Donald Kagan et al, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century, September 2000, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Washington, D?C? in www?newamericancentury?org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses?pdf?

  Dmitry Slobodanuk,The State Determined to Own Oil and Gas, Pravda September 23, 2003?

  Greg Schneider, Arrested Russian Businessman Is Carlyle Group Adviser, November 10, 2003, The Washington Post?


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/300289.html



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