












  ?Daniel Widome The Six Most Important US Military Bases,in www?foreignpolicy?com May 2006?Chalmers Johnson,America?s Empire of Bases,in www?TomDispatch?com,January 15,2004?Zoltan Grossman,New US Military Bases:Side Effects or Causes of War?,in www?counterpunch? org/zoltanbases?html,February 2,2002,Ramtanu Maitra,US Scatters Bases to Control Eurasia,in Asia Times Online,March 30,2005?William Clark,Will US be asked to leave key military bases?,www?csmonitorr?com,July 5,2005?Thom Shanker and Eric Smith, ‘Pentagon Expects Long-Term Access to Four Key Bases in Iraq’,New York Times,April 20,2003?Christine Spolar,‘14′ Enduring Bases′ Set for Iraq,’Chicago Tribune,March 23,2004?www?globemaster?de/cgi-bin/bases provides a profile of every listed US airbase?

  ?Zoltan Grossman,New US Military Bases:Side Effects or Causes of War?,inwww?counterpunch?org/zoltanbases?html?


  ?Los Angeles Times,January 6,2002.

  ?Report of the Secretary of Defense,1996,pp?134?

  ?George H?W?Bush,Toward a New World Order,Address to Joint Session of Congress,September 11,1990.The words of Bush are worth citing.He declared,referring to the imminent coalition war on Iraq in 1991,“The crisis in the Persian Gulf,as grave as it is,also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation.Out of these troubled times,our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge:a new era—freer from the threat of terror,stronger in the pursuit of justice,and more secure in the quest for peace?An era in which the nations of the world,East and West,North and South,can prosper and live in harmony?A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace,while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor? Today that new world is struggling to be born,a world quite different from the one we?ve known…”Again in his State of the Union Address after the onset of military action against Iraq,Operation Desert Storm,Bush declared, on January 21,1991, “We will succeed in the Gulf?And when we do,the world community will have sent an enduring warning to any dictator or despot,present or future,who contemplates outlaw aggression?

  The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the longheld promise of a new world order——where brutality will go unrewarded,and aggression will meet collective resistance?Yes,the United States bears a major share of leadership in this effort?Among the nations of the world,only the United States of America has had both the moral standing,and the means to back it up?We are the only nation on this earth that could assemble the forces of peace?”It was clear that Bush?s vision of the New World Order was a version of a Pax Americana,a vision which found little enthusiasm in much of the world,hence the term,New World Order was promptly dropped?The agenda of that New World Order,a Pax Americana was never dropped?The Cold War from the side of Washington never ended?It continued in covert form?

  ?Victoria Nuland,US NATO Ambassador,quoted in London Financial Times,January 24,2006?

  ?Keir A?Lieber and Daryl G?Press,op?cit?  

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