《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》简介 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》(下称“《学报》”)创刊于1980年,是福建省教育厅主管,华侨大学主办,面向国内外公开发行的自然科学综合性学术理论刊物。 《学报》的办刊宗旨是:坚持四项基本原则,贯彻“百花齐放,百家争鸣”和理论与实践相结合的方针,广泛联系海外华侨和港、澳、台、特区的科技信息,及时反映国内尤其华侨大学等高等学府在理论研究、应用研究和开发研究等方面的科技成果,为发展华侨高等教育和繁荣社会主义科技事业服务。 《学报》以创新性、前瞻性、学术性为办刊特色,主要刊登机械工程及自动化、测控技术与仪器、电气工程、电子工程、计算机技术、应用化学、材料与环境工程、化工与生化工程、土木工程、建筑学、应用数学等基础研究和应用研究方面的学术论文,科技成果的学术总结,新技术、新设计、新产品、新工艺、新材料、新理论的论述,以及国内外科技动态的综合评论等内容。 《学报》既是中文综合性科学技术类核心期刊,又是国内外重要数据库和权威性文摘期刊固定收录的刊源。在历次全国及福建省的科技期刊评比中,《学报》都荣获过大奖。曾获得1995年“全国高等学校自然科学学报系统优秀学报一等奖”,1997年“第二届全国优秀科技期刊奖”,1999年,2008年“全国优秀自然科学学报及教育部优秀科技期刊”一等奖,并于2001年入选“中国期刊方阵‘双效期刊’”。 《学报》现为双月刊,A4开本,国内统一刊号:CN 35-1079/N,国际标准刊号:ISSN 1000-5013,国内邮发代号:34-41,国外代号:NTZ1050。 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO JOURNAL OF HUAQIAO UNIVERSITY ( NATURAL SCIENCE ) Journal of Huaqiao University (Natural Science) (abbreviated to the Journal), started publication in 1980, is a comprehensive and academic journal about natural science, open distribution at home and abroad, sponsored by Huaqiao University; Fujian Bureau of Education is responsible for its work. The Journal has its purpose: adhering to the four cardinal policies, carrying out the principles of the “flowers blossom; schools of thought contend” and theory combined with practice, collecting information of science and technology from overseas and those in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and special economic zones and all sides, and in time reflecting the scientific and technological achievements about domestic theoretical research, applied research and development research in our university and others, and serving for development of the overseas Chinese higher education and the socialist prosperity on science and technology. The Journal, with characteristics of creative, perspective and academic study, publishes the articles of fundamental and applied research on mechanical engineering and automation, observing and controlling technology and instruments, electric and electronic engineering, computer, applied chemistry, materials and environmental engineering, chemical and biochemical engineering, civil engineering, architecture, applied mathematics, etc. and the academic reports on achievements of science and technology, the theses on new technology, new design, new products, new crafts, new materials, new theories, and the comprehensive reviews on scientific and technological developments at home and abroad. The Journal is not only a core Chinese periodical on comprehensive science and technology, but also an important data base at home and abroad and periodical source that the authoritative abstracts have been recorded regularly. The Journal won the prices among the national and provincial evaluation of scientific and technological periodicals such as “ the first prize of good natural science of the national higher education periodicals” in 1995, “ the good prize of the second national periodicals of science and technology” in 1997, “ the good scientific and technological periodicals of the national natural science journals and the State Education Department” in 1999 and 2008, and selected into “‘doubleeffect periodical’ of the China periodicals matrix” in 2001. The Journal welcomes the contributors from our university and others. The Journal is bimonthly publication, with format of A4. National Serial Number: CN 35-1079/N; International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 1000-5013; Domestic Mail Number: 34-41; International Mail Number: NTZ1050. 栏目设置 综合述评,学术论文,研究简报。 主要刊登机械工程及自动化、测控技术与仪器、 电气工程、电子工程、计算机技术、应用化学、材料与环境工程、 化工与生化工程、土木工程、建筑学、应用数学等基础研究和应用研究方面的学术论文, 科技成果的学术总结,新技术、新设计、新产品、新工艺、新材料、 新理论的论述,以及国内外科技动态的综合评论等内容onclick=gotoRef(this)>[2]。 期刊信息 主管单位:福建省教育厅 主办单位:华侨大学 主编:徐西鹏 主任:黄仲一 第六届编辑委员会 The Sixth Editorial Committee of Journal of Huaqiao University (Natural Science) 主编 (Editor in Chief) 徐西鹏 (XU Xi-peng) 副主编 (Associate Editor in Chief) 陈国华 (CHEN Guo-hua) 黄仲一 (HUANG Zhong-yi) 编委 (Members) (按姓氏笔划为序) 王加贤 (WANG Jia-xian) 王全义 (WANG Quan-yi) 方柏山 (FANG Bai-shan) 叶民强 (YE Min-qiang) 刘 塨 (LIU Gong) 江开勇 (JIANG Kai-yong) 张认成 (ZHANG Ren-cheng) 吴季怀 (WU Ji-huai) 吴逢铁 (WU Feng-tie) 陈锻生 (CHEN Duan-sheng)

周克民 (ZHOU Ke-min) 胡日东 (HU Ri-dong) 高轩能 (GAO Xuan-neng) 黄心中 (HUANG Xin-zhong) 童 昕 (TONG Xin) 蔡灿辉 (CAI Can-hui) 欧阳明安 (OUYANG Ming-an) 编辑部主任(Director) 黄仲一 (HUANG Zhong-yi)