美国WALMARK等国际采购商保险规定: Target, OfficeMax, BestBuy, PetsMart, ToysRUs, PepBoys, or HomeDepot Staples, CompUSA, Radio Shack ATICO
American Greetings、Best Buy、Coles Myer、JCPenney、Kingfisher、LEGO、Li & Fung、MeadWestvaco、Newell Rubbermaid、Staples、Wedgewood及Woolworths。OfficeDepot Walmart,Target,Sears,Sam‘s Club K-mart, CVS Kroger OfficeDepot in China WAL-MART、DOLLARTREE、DOLLARGENERAL……做文具的就要知道目标客人是OFFICEMAX、OFFICEDEPOT……做家电的就要知道CIRCUITCITY、RADIOSHACK、STAPLES家乐福(Carrefour),美国第三大零售商Sears以及德国最大零售商麦德龙(Metro)家乐福、沃尔玛。 美国玩具反斗城(TOYSRRS)、家居百货(HomeDepot)、百思买(BestBuy)、百安居到我国的国美电器、好百年家居、爱书人音像,还是办公文具行业的Officedepot、Stammple、Officemax、OFFICE1、OFFICE 2 OFFICE等,包括我国最早的一些文具连锁如都都文具、易事达文具、文一文具等。 Insurance保险内容: Supplier shall obtain and maintain at their expense, a policy or policies of: Commercial General Liability (including product and completed operations, personal and advertising injury and contractual liability coverage) General Aggregate and Product Liability Coverage with $2,000,000 USD each. Each Occurrence amount must be $1,000,000 USD. The policy must be purchased from a carrier that is acceptable to the Company and Completed Operations Aggregate limit, written on an occurrence form. 供货商应该自双方合作起始时,自费购买并持续保有以下保单: C.G.L商业综合责任保险单(承保范围:包括产品责任保险和完工责任保险,营运行为及广告造成人格权侵害保险以及合同契约保险) C.G.L商业综合责任保险单必须是事故发生基础保险 保单累计赔偿限额和产品责任保险赔偿限额必须各为二百万美元($2,000,000 USD each), 每一个事故的最低限额为一百万美元($1,000,000 USD); 而且保单必须从本公司认可的保险公司购买,且此保单必须是采用事故发生基础保险。 Supplier will provide Certificates of Insurance with respect to General Liability containing the Additional Insured Requirement and Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement. 供货商必须提供C.G.L商业综合责任保险单证明,批单内容需记载买主为本保单附加之被保险人且本保单放弃对买方之代位求偿权。 All policies shall contain a waiver of insurer’s rights to subrogate against __PTP __. In the event that Supplier is unable to provide proof of General Liability Insurance with the specified requirements above then a 1.5% cost of insurance deduction will be given to the Company off of the cost of goods. Below are the required guidelines: 所有的保单条款必须包含放弃要求 _ PTP 代位偿还的保险人的权利。 在供货商不能提供具有上述特殊要求的一般性债务保险的证明的情况下, 公司将从货款中提出百分之一点五(1.5%)作为保险费. 以下是所要求的指标: a) General Aggregate and Product Liability Coverage with $2,000,000 USD each. Each Occurrence amount must be $1,000,000 USD. The policy must be purchased from a carrier that is acceptable to the Company. 一般性综合和产品险各为二百万美元($2,000,000 USD),每一个事故的最低限额为一百万美元($1,000,000 USD);而且保单必须从公司认可的保险公司购买。 b) Certificates must state that it is an Occurrence form policy. We do not accept claims made policies. 证书必须阐明这是事故保险,我们不接受索赔保险