美国机械工程师协会 (ASME, American Society of Mechanical Engineers)成立于1880年。现今她已成为一家拥有全球超过125,000会员的国际性非赢利教育和技术组织。ASME是世界上最大的技术出版机构之一;每年召开约30次大型技术研讨会议,并举办200个专业发展课程;制定众多的工业和制造业行业标准。现在ASME拥有工业和制造行业的600项标准和编码,这些标准在全球90多个国家被采用。
由于工程领域各学科间交叉性不断增长,ASME出版物也相应提供了跨学科前沿科技的资讯。涵盖的学科内容包括: Basic Engineering: Energy Conversion, Energy Resources, Environment and Transportation, General Engineering, Materials and Structures; Manufacturing: Materials Handling Engineering, Plant Engineering and Maintenance, Process Industries, Manufacturing Engineering, Textile Engineering; Systems and Design: Computers in Engineering, Design Engineering, Dynamic Systems and Control, Electrical and Electronic Packaging, Fluid Power Systems and Technology, Information Storage and Processing Systems. ASME期刊列表(21种):
Journal of Applied Mechanics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Journal of Computational & Nonlinear Dynamics Journal of Electronic Packaging Journal of Energy Resources Technology Journal of Fluids Engineering Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology Journal of Heat Transfer Journal of Mechanical Design Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Journal of Tribology Journal of Turbomachinery Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Applied Mechanics Reviews