实验室认证证书 中国认证认可协会






  China Certification and Accreditation Association (CCAA), founded on September 27th 2005, is a nonprofit and national industry organization composed of accreditation Bodies of certification and accreditation industry, certification Bodies, certification training Bodies, certification consulting Bodies, laboratories, inspection Bodies, some of the organizations that have acquired the certification, personal members, and company members. In conformity of the law, CCAA receives guidance, supervision, and management from the superior management department, namely General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China and registration management department, namely Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.

 实验室认证证书 中国认证认可协会

  Based on the purpose to advance the development of the certification and accreditation industry, CCAA provides all kinds of relevant services for government, industry, and society.

  The main works of CCAA include: to strengthen social responsibility supervision, establish rules and agreement of the industry, standardize the industry behaviors, and maintain the industry advantages; to participate the establishment of industry development strategy plan, provide policy and legislation suggestions to the government, and provide information and consulting services to the society; to advocate technology advancement, encourage informationization construction, and arrange teaching and training for talented people; to participate the establishment and revision of the national industry standard, and put into practice; to arrange international talks, develop industry international diplomacy, and encourage international cooperation; to develop popularization work of the certification; to edit, translate, and publish standards, journals, books, anthology, and materials relevant to certification; to accomplish assigned jobs by the government superior departments.

  Regarding improvement of the industry quality as its own mission, CCAA focus on the communication and coordination among industry, incorporations, and the government, try to quicken the steps of international cooperation, and make great efforts to establish an excellent atmosphere for the development of China certification and accreditation industry.  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/290032.html


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