Reporter: As we know , you have worked for 20 years to spread the concept of finance intelligence and inpidual venturing. And what you did has a great influence around the world. Can you tell us what made you get into this field?
Hedges: Over 20 years ago I had a cellular phone business where I earned a million dollars by age 25, but sadly it cost me $ 1.2 million to earn it! I was broke and upset but not broken.
Fortunately, in 1988, I was introduced to the industry by a stranger who purchased 2 cellular phones from me. Like most people who see the business for the first time I was skeptical, but curious about the possibilities of residual income and the opportunity to become financially free. I signed up, worked very hard, was 100% coachable and reached the top position with the company. Today I’m more excited about the future of the direct marketing industry than when I first started 21 years ago. It’s truly been an amazing journey.
The reason I got into teaching and lecturing is a result of the books I’ve written. My message is simple: Direct Marketing is the best industry in the world to achieve personal and financial independence. I feel people need to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the dynamics of the industry that is changing the quality of people’s lives all over the world and especially in China.
One of my mentors said to me, “Burke, help people solve their problems and you will enjoy many rewards. The bigger the problem you help solve the bigger your contribution will be and the greater your rewards”. This is exactly what I’m doing with my books and lectures. Helping people solve their economic problems. As we all know, money is a very big problem for most people worldwide and it’s my(our) duty to spread the message of financial intelligence to everyone who is struggling financially or who desires to enjoy a higher quality of life.
Reporter: What is your view about the success theory? As we know, although many people know about this theory, why has nothing changed about their life?
Hedges: I believe that today more than ever success in our industry is a choice. Success used to be reserved for the privileged, but not anymore. Success is for those inpiduals who are hungry, coachable, and are willing to work hard and make sacrifices to make success as they see it a reality. It’s reserved for those who refuse to give in or give up. Let’s face it, success in our industry is not rocket science. Do what successful people do and get what successful people get.
I believe the reason people don’t change is because they get comfortable. They get comfortable feeling UNCOMFORTABLE. They get comfortable settling for less in life when a bright new world of possibilities exists right under their noses. It’s our job to encourage those inpiduals who want to do more, have more and be more in their lives, that success is possible if they follow their dreams, work hard and plug into a system of personal and economic achievement.
Reporter: There are many other experts in the success theory in America, such as Zig Ziglar, Robert T. Kiyosaki, and Anthony Robbins. What makes your personal achievement study subject distinguished from theirs?
记者:您和美国其他的成功学大师,比如Zig zigler、Robert T.Kiyosaki、Anthony. Robbins等,在研究领域和个人成就上有何区别?
Hedges: First, I have learned a great deal from Zig Zigler, Robert Kiyosaki, and Anthony Robbins, and many other great teachers here in America. I believe in the philosophy “When you’re green you’re growing, and when you’re ripe you’re rotten.” Anyone who knows it all has nowhere to go. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
哈吉斯:首先,我向Zig Ziglar、Robert T. Kiyosaki和Anthony Robbins以及美国的其他伟大导师学习了很多东西。我相信这条哲理“青涩的果实正在成长,而熟透的果实正在走向腐烂。”通晓这一哲理的人都知道别无路可走。学的越多,就越觉得自己知道的太少。
However, what makes me unique is my years of hands on experience in this industry. I’ve built two successful organizations. With my first company I built a $10 million business my first full year with the company and with my second company I became the #1 income earner. Not only have I studied and researched the industry a great deal, but I know firsthand the challenges new business owners face and how to overcome them.
If you want to learn to fly an airplane, you take lessons from an experienced pilot- not someone who just read a book on aviation, right? Success leaves clues. For 20 years I’ve focused on helping people achieve success in our industry either as distributor, author or lecturer.
Reporter: The readers in China came to know you because of your book “The Parable of the Pipeline”. In what circumstances did you finish writing this book? And what message would you like to deliver to your readers through this book?
Hedges:“The Parable of the Pipeline” is my 7th book. My 8th book is “The Servant Soul” and it will be released in April of 2009. I’m very excited about my new book and I believe it will inspire many people to do more with their lives.
The message I want to deliver with “The Parable of the Pipeline” is simple, but profound. Leverage! I believe that once people really understand the power of leverage, they’ll never go back to the traditional ways of earning a living which is trading one hour of time for one hour of pay. Leverage is about trading an hour of time for 10 hours of pay. Or a month worth of work for a year of pay.
For example, if you had $1 million dollars in the bank at 10 percent interest, you’d make $100,000 dollars a year whether you woke up in the morning to go to work or not. You’re not working for your money your money is working for you, right?
Although most people don’t have $1 million dollars in the bank working for them everyone does have time. Regardless of nationality, age, experience or education everyone has 1440 minutes each and every day. Everyone knows that you can turn time into money. Then the question becomes, how can we leverage time to get the same results as having $1 million dollars in the bank? You need to have an economic model that allows you to leverage time exponentially which will generate residual income.
In “The Parable of the Pipeline” I use the metaphor of bucket carrying (a job) and pipeline building (financial intelligence or residual income) to illustrate the power of leveraged income. This is the message I want to spread with “The Parable of the Pipeline”.
One last point on building a leveraged business -- leverage is a privilege we ‘get to do’ not ‘have to do’. We must not take this privilege lightly or for granted.
Reporter: Can you tell us what inspired your ideas about pipeline, system and copying?
Hedges: Education is the first step to transformation. When I first got started 20 years ago someone taught me the do’s and don’ts of the business. Now it’s my turn to give back.
Also, I believe common sense is not so common anymore!
Common sense says, “Residual income is better than temporary income”.
Common sense says, “Having a proven system and support team to help you achieve success is better than having nothing at all”
Common sense says, “If you can get rich doing something you are already an expert at then don’t reinvent the wheel”. We’ve been copying our entire lives. We copy the way we eat, speak, write, dress and work. Unfortunately, most people have copied the wrong plan for wealth creation.
My objective is to educate people who want a better life to use common sense and seriously look at this direct marketing. It’s a big time business opportunity and for many it’s been a dream come true.
Reporter: All your thinking, such as pipeline, system, learning for life, and copying is related to the line of marketing somehow. Is this just coincidental? Or have you planned this based on your personal career?
Hedges: There are no coincidences in life. You choose the path you want to follow or the path chooses you. I have chosen the direct marketing path as my profession. I speak the truth and teach the principles of success. Teaching on building pipelines of residual income, plugging into and working a success system, and learning to become a leader is all part of the plan, my path, if you will.
Water is wet regardless if you live in China or America. This is an indisputable fact. The same is true for the principles of success. Whether you live in China, Africa, Europe or America, the principles of success and achievement are the same. I’ve learned this and this is what I teach.
Reporter: As we know, you worked with Amway and Internet Service Corporation as a consultant. Is that your first time to work in the line of direct marketing when you were with Amway? What’s your opinion about direct marketing? Do the distributors in this industry need more inspiration than those in others?
Hedges: Before I started speaking to the various Diamond organizations in Amway I had almost 10 years of experience in the industry. I’ve learned a great deal about their system and I believe it’s the best system in the industry. There is nothing like it!
My opinion on direct marketing is simple. It’s the absolute best model for creating wealth and enjoying quality of life in the world. I say this because I believe it and can prove it. Where else can you get in a business for little upfront money yet have such huge residual income potential -- not to mention the incredible support system and mentoring available to insure your success. The only reason you would not do the business is because you don’t understand it or you’re lazy.
Does this industry need more inspiration than others? It needs no less.
People as a rule have a need to be respected, appreciated, recognized, validated and encouraged. It’s a human value and is as natural as breathing. The opposite of encouragement is to humiliate, punish, embarrass or to publicly ridicule someone. Who wants this?
Additionally, we are in business for ourselves and we are paid for performance. A system of learning and encouragement is needed because things don’t always go the way we expect it to go. Just like an athlete who loses an event and needs to be encouraged and reassured that there is always another day… or the student who fails a test… or an employee who fails a task. They need encouragement as well and so do the business owners of our industry. They are building a team and encouragement and belief in one another is instrumental in the success of their business. Encouragement is a core value of a team - united we stand and pided we fall.”
Reporter: Is this your first trip to China? Did you know anything about China and its direct marketing industry?
Hedges: Yes, this is my first trip to China. And I’m very excited about my visit and I look forward to meeting many new friends at my seminars.
I have, however, spent a great deal of time in Asia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Regarding my knowledge on Chinese direct marketing, here is what I know for sure: It’s one of the hottest countries for direct marketing in the world. The timing to build a direct marketing business is perfect.
I believe it’s better to be at the right place, at the right time with the right company, product, leadership and system than it is to be smart. What you need to succeed in direct marketing is vision and wisdom...to see what is possible for you and your family. Those who do will leave a financial legacy for their children. Those who don’t will miss out on what I believe to be the greatest wealth building opportunity in the history of China.
Reporter: Thank you for your time; and I wish you a pleasant stay in China. .

Hedges: Thanks.