the learning curve Acer: The Contorted Smile Curve

  In today‘s PC industry, the most popular Corporation is not Apple, not HP, not Dell, but from Taiwan‘s Acer. It is unknown from Taiwan, a small electronics factory has developed into an international giant in IT industry, Acer‘s story is far from over. So far, the most likely scenario is a situation: in the next year, Acer will become the world‘s laptop market leader, and it will be replaced in 2011 HP, to dominate the entire PC industry.

  No one can tell us a time, that is the growth of Acer myth will end. At the same time, it is not good to become the industry leader,Acer can maintain long after. Now a matter of thinking is: What is the Acer mode’s engine? Faced with complex and ever-changing environment, How much space Acer also has for development?

  Take a Leave to the Salary

  "Unpaid leave" is the foreign enterprises are often the means to deal with the crisis, when the employees in violation of company rules, or his poor performance, the company will not directly against him in an economic or administrative penalties, but let him go home to rest a few days, a no-pay adjustments. If the employee can not accept this decision and submitted his resignation, the company will accept the general. When the cost of the company‘s human resources to face greater pressure, they will take even more of a large-scale no-pay leave, but in accordance with the regulations, these companies need to advance and the local labor departments, trade unions, and representatives of staff and to go through the General Assembly. A report entitled "In the face of financial crisis, how to deal with human resource management challenges" from Mercer Management showed that, 38% of the enterprise‘s proposal to make a clear reduction of human resources. Among them, the semiconductor and electronics industry‘s most outstanding performance. In addition, 25% of enterprises indicated that they may take the closure of factories and cut jobs, flexible working methods to provide means to reduce the scale of business operations, and deal with the crisis.  

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