

  第三部分 在美生活趣事





  "Archbishop Blenk High School: Big Sis/Lil‘ Sis,Seniors (12th grade) pick an incoming freshman (9th grade) to look after for a week in the beginning of the school year. This week is called acceptance week. The seniors made beanies. Beanies that were decorated in funny and crazy ways, and the freshman wear it during acceptance week. Once the week is over, the school and students formally accept the freshman at an assembly, and also the 12th grade gives 9th grade presents. At Blenk, there is a powderpuff game against the rival team. Powderpuff is American football that is played with flags instead of tackling .After this game, there is a dance called the Homecoming dance. The game and the dance are in the beginning of the year,or in November.

  Blenk is an all girl Catholic school on the westbank of New Orleans. It is a Blue Ribbon school of excellence meaning that the school is recognized by the Department of Education for excelling in academics. Because it is a Catholic school, there is a mass which the students pray every month together.

  There are also retreats where each grade level spends a day strengthening the soul by praying together. Besides this, Blenk has other activities such as May Crowning(Crowning Mary status at school). Spirit day(dress up crazy and go to school), and Field day(come to school to compete and see which grade level is the best.During the days in which activities such as these occur, the school has an activity schedule in which the school day is shorter than usual in order to have both classes and activity. The school day is scheduled by mods. Mods are 20 minutes long and there are 20 mods in one day. School starts at 7:40am and ends at 2:20pm. A class equals 3 mods which is 1 hour long.  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/244541.html



系列专题:《女人成功的另一种境界:厚黑女人》   在不同的舞台上扮演不同的角色  身在这个竞争激烈的社会,谁也无法避免激烈的竞争和无所不在的压力,女人在社会中的竞争和压力并不比男人小。现在的职业女性所面临的问题越来越多,越来


系列专题:《一个中国女孩的成长轨迹:我在美国读本科》  校 园 琐 记  6月来了的时候,路易斯安那就要进入雨季了。  暑假因为要去图书馆打工,所以起得很早。忘记了是什么时候,发现了那条小路。那条小路,它安静而狭窄地挤在两幢教学


系列专题:《一个中国女孩的成长轨迹:我在美国读本科》  我的室友苏卡妮娅  我住在校园里的尼克森(Nicholson Apartments)社区的学生公寓。我的室友是一位印度女孩儿,她的名字叫苏卡妮娅(Sukanya)。她的皮肤是深棕色的,大而明亮的眼睛闪


系列专题:《一个中国女孩的成长轨迹:我在美国读本科》  结束时所有的演员都站在了外边,送着观众,并和我们一一握手,像模像样。他们还是穿着漂亮的演出服装,在夜晚的灯光下显得非常优雅。史黛夫妮看见我,很调皮地用"顽固姨妈"的声音大叫


系列专题:《一个中国女孩的成长轨迹:我在美国读本科》  玛丽倒是很温顺,可当它叼着一只小老鼠给主人看时,我就不敢再抱它了。  美国生活二三事  史黛夫妮的话剧会  我的host family帕克一家的大女儿史黛夫妮要参加一个社区的中学生话剧演
