We are standing by a wishing well. Make a wish into the well,that‘s all you have to do. And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true. I‘m wishing for the one I love to find me today. I‘m hoping, and I‘m wishing for the nice things he‘ll say. I‘m wishing for the one I love to find me today. "我们站在许愿井旁。你只需要对着井水许下你的愿望。如果井水将回声传到你的耳边,那么你的愿望将会成为现实。我希望我所爱的人就在今天出现,他会对我说那甜蜜的话语……" 我的耳朵里塞着耳机,跟着录音机一遍一遍大声地读,我假扮成里面的每一个角色,当然还会假扮成恶毒的王后读着她那著名的魔咒:"Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"("墙上的魔镜啊,告诉我谁是这世界上最美的女人?")然后又马上换成魔镜沉沉的声音念道:"Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold on,a lovely maid I see, rags can not hide her gentle grace. Alas, She is more fair than thee."("陛下的美丽远近有名。但是等一等,我看到了一位可爱的少女。破旧的衣服遮不住她的温柔与优雅。啊,她长得比你美。")在《白雪公主》里,也是我第一次接触到最简单的古体英文,它们的发音读上去很优雅,叫人大开眼界。后来的时候,越读越熟,每一个人的台词我都会念了,不懂的生词就查词典,但是也不用刻意地去背下那些生词,因为读得多了,就记住了,里面的歌儿也都学会唱了。有小矮人挖金矿努力干活儿时唱的"Heigh-ho,Heigh-ho"("嗨呼,嗨呼"),白马王子为白雪公主唱的"One Song Only For You"("只为你唱的歌"),当然还有白雪公主被王后赶出皇宫后唱的那首动听的"With A Smile and a Song"("带着微笑唱首歌"),直到现在,那流露着乐观和勇敢的歌词还是令我记忆犹新: With a smile and a song, life is just like a bright sunny day. your cares fade away, and your heart is young. With a smile and a song, all the world seems to waken anew, rejoicing with you, as the song is sung. There‘s no use in grumbling when raindrops come tumbling. Remember you are the one who can fill the world with sunshine.