上海希尔顿酒店 连锁酒店‘希尔顿“的秘密


After 85 stormy, "Hilton" Now the hotel chain has almost become synonymous. In April this year, "Global financial" magazine‘s readers poll, the Hilton Hotel was named "World‘s Best Hotel Chain." This was not the first time the many independent survey, the Hilton has been seen as one of the best hotel brands. The reasons for people to choose it is: safe, clean and convenient. But, actually, global nearly 500 Hilton is not the same as an owner.


If back in 1949, it is not difficult to understand the things. Year Hilton International Hilton Hotel from companies split out as a separate company, and in 1964 in New York listing. In 1967 and 1987, three were acquired Hilton International, the predecessor of the final Laidebuluke (Ladbrok) Group bought the Hilton Group. Despite a few easy boss, but Hilton‘s style has always maintained the same. Currently, the Hilton Hotel Corporation in the United States has the "Hilton" brand-use right, and outside of the United States, more than 200 hotels under the Hilton Hilton International Company, exists in two companies is the only link between each capable of handling 10 million telephone scheduled three Hilton reservations system .


"Every day, every one hotel, thousands of staff will be proud to Hilton to provide customers with what they can enjoy the best services." Robert Dirk said that he was responsible for the Hilton Hotel brand management and marketing senior vice president. With Dirk surprisingly consistent view, Hilton International vice president of marketing Michael Aston also believes that "Our goal is to those who trust our customers the best service." The same philosophy not only ensures the integrity of the Hilton brand, its rapid development. In the recent two years, the number of Hilton hotels increased by more than 100.


Last year, the "September 11" incident, along with business activities and reduce passenger travel, the global Hilton hotels were affected, "the first three months of very sluggish." Hilton International president Anthony Harris said, "but now restored to the Sept. ? 11 ‘of the level before. " This is in the hotel industry veteran of 20 years of experience know how to use their very powerful tool, in his view, "Hilton" is a brand can add value, "it gives people a sense of security." Hilton International because only outside the United States to use the brand, Antonio opened a new store in each, the first thought is how to protect the "Hilton" and then choose partners and investment.


Compared with the United States, the Hilton Hotel in other countries, low brand recognition, but in the eyes of international tourists, Hilton is the first choice, mainly because of its unique strategic location: in the world‘s major international airport and major cities in the center of the financial business district, have seen Hill Dayton hotel on the scene. Regardless of where the Hilton Hotel will allow customers to "deja vu" feeling, such as rooms will be installed into office, relaxation areas and wash areas。


To maintain the vitality of brands, each of the Hilton many innovative products. The Hilton by the Business Travel popular, Hilton International is in the conference room on the big fuss about their global launch of the "Hilton Conference Room," even by the media, is called "art" of conference facilities. Meanwhile, in order to enhance the passenger loyalty, Hilton has also launched an incentive activities for the Hilton where visitors can win points, and more than 50 airlines flying trip points. This year, Hilton also played the "leisure" slogan, they acquired some called "Hilton rest of the" rooms. The new rooms to create such an environment: in which visitors can restore physical and mental. In broad scope, adjustable lighting equipment-either openly or covertly, the air smelling of fresh fruit flavor here and helps visitors from the busy day and thoroughly relaxed, the best rest. Now, even the hotel staff has been greatly relaxed clothing requirements, staff can even wear their own clothes for the guests like services. 

尽管希尔顿已经在60多个国家安家落户,但其印度之旅却不那么愉快,5月,希尔顿不得不同位于印度班加罗尔的合作伙伴Golden Palms Spa分手,与其在德里和Chennai的遭遇一样,这种合作关系没能维持多久。不过,这倒正符合了希尔顿谨小慎微的一面。GE:希尔顿品牌的内涵是什么?

 While Hilton has been in more than 60 countries happy, but not so happy pamphlets, in May, Hilton may not be different in Bangalore, India, the partnership Golden Palms Spa scorer in Delhi and Chennai with experienced, such cooperation did not maintain long. However, this is in line with the Hilton down the side of caution. GE: Hilton brand connotation?


Harris: Over the years, the Hilton offers travelers comfortable living places, quality of service, etc., and become the world‘s most popular hotel brand. Many of the forces behind the family in support of the Hilton, as our sales team, the worldwide booking system, and raising awareness of the Hilton Hilton incentives. Regardless of where you live, Hilton will never let you feel at home.


 GE: You once pointed out that the development of the Hilton "would rather conservative and not make mistakes," but the most recent period, the number of hotels has increased rapidly, including Chongqing in March, April in Paris two new store, how to guarantee their quality?


Harris: Chongqing Hilton is the Hilton International Group, a wholly owned subsidiary, it is we in this city in the lead industry, it fully reflects our elegant style and good reception capability. Market research report, Chongqing consumers are interested in this type of hotel. In Paris, we took over the boards in the vicinity of a hotel, this is our existing industries a good supplement. The vast Paris, the hotel is not near the Eiffel Tower and the competition between the Hilton Hotel, not at the international airport and the two hotels for the passengers. 


GE: How come so that the acquisition of the hotel fastest and most fully demonstrated the characteristics of the Hilton?


Harris: Last year, in April, we acquired Scandic Hotel Group, now with the Hilton brand integration between the very smoothly, the Hilton in Denmark have had a combined experience. For some hotels, Hilton will have to be substantial to meet the rectification of the Hilton brand requirements. But Scandic‘s many hotels do not, they can still maintain the original brand will remain unchanged development.


GE: How many countries in the Hilton hotel‘s own style with local specific features combine?


Harris: In order to adapt to each country‘s customs, Hilton standards in different countries are quite different. We know that in Malaysia Hotel in the applicable standards in Spain are not necessarily appropriate. Our management has been looking for all market environment and the local customs, and our goal is for our visitors in various countries or cities for the most comfortable accommodation.


 上海希尔顿酒店 连锁酒店‘希尔顿“的秘密
GE: Hilton more than 60 countries how to ensure that the hundreds of hotels can "Hilton" image?


Harris: one on each hotel, the Hilton has several rigorous quality inspection standards. In addition, we will employ an outside company for each one hotel room reservations, stay, stay two to three days to finally settle accounts, the whole process has finally given us feedback. All even now I do not know any hotels are subject to inspection. In addition to these internal experienced management team inspection, plus external company feedback on each hotel‘s 100 guests questionnaire to come to a monthly summary of the final results. Therefore, we fully capable of guaranteeing every guest can enjoy high-quality services.


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希尔顿酒店的创始人是康拉德·希尔顿。 希尔顿的父亲格斯·希尔顿,10岁时随全家从挪威移民到美国的衣阿华州。他长大后,在道奇堡市当一名职员。但他并不满足于现状,将目标指向了拥有无限机遇的西部地区。于是他凭着自身巨大的勇气、主

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