英语日常交际用语 高一交际用语汇总

英语日常交际用语 高一交际用语汇总


    劝告或建议(Advice and Suggestions)

a.You'd better stay at home.你最好呆在家里。

You'd better not go to bed so early.你最好别这么早上床睡觉。

You should /ought to study well.你应该好好学习。

We must study hard.我们必须努力学习。

You need some time.你需要些时间。

I need take No.1bus.我需要坐1路公共汽车。

b.I suggest that you(should)go right now.我建议你马上走。

Shall I do it for you?我为你做它好吗?

Shall he come to see you?要不要他来看你?

Let's go home.我们回家吧。

Why not tell me by telephone?为什么不打电话告诉我呢?

Why don't you do it?你为什么不做它?


决断和坚持(Determination,Decision and Insistence)

a.I will pay you at the rate you ask.我愿意按你要求的比率付款。

I've decided to go abroad for my holiday.我已决定出国度假。

I've decided against selling the house.我已决定不卖这所房子。

I've decided for the plan.我已决定赞成这项计划。

I've made up my mind not to change my plan.我已决定不改变我的计划。

I'm determined to pay him 100dollars.我决心付给他100美元。

b.I insist on quietness.我坚持要安静。

I insisted upon her staying in London.我坚持要她呆在伦敦。

I insisted that he(should)be present.我坚持他要到场。

I insisted that he(should)come with us.我坚持他和我们来。


判断和意见(Judgement and Opinion)

a.He may be right./He's perhaps right.他可能/也许是对的。

It certainly is.当然是了。

It's correct to do it.做这件事是对的。

Well done./Good work.做得不错。/干得好。

b.I judge him to be about 40.我判定他有40来岁。

I feel as if it were going to rain.我觉得好像要下雨了。

I guess you're right.我想你是对的。

Judging from her letters,Mother seems to be feeling a lot


Judging by his accent,he must be from the


It seems that you are lying.看起来你在说谎。

So far as I can judge,this car will hold six


In my opinion,Americans eat a lot of meat/too much



看病(Seeing the doctor)

a.What's the matter /wrong /the trouble?怎么啦?

What's the matter /the trouble /wrong with you(your



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日常礼貌用语大全2016 日常礼貌用语大全

 日常礼貌用语大全:  与人相见说您好,问人姓氏说贵姓,问人住址说府上。  仰慕已久说久仰,长期未见说久违,求人帮忙说劳驾。  向人询问说请问,请人协助说费心,请人解答说请教。  求人办事说拜托,麻烦别人说打扰,求人方便说借

日常交际英语口语 日常交际常用的英语口语

   日常交际常用的英语口语  1. I‘m home. 我回来了。  2. I quit! 我不干了!  3. Let go! 放手!  4. Me too. 我也是。  5. My god! 天哪!  6. No way! 不行!  7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)  8. Hold o

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