精品小楷书法朱子家训 朱子家训品读(英汉对照)

The growing of rice and of grain
Think on whenever you dine;
Remember how silk is obtained
Which keeps you warm and looks fine. (2)宜未雨而绸缪,勿临渴而掘井。
In periods of drought
Wise birds mend their nest
So when the clouds burst
They snugly may rest;
Never be the fool
Who starts to dig a well in the ground
When he wants a drink of water
And water can’t be found. (3)与肩挑贸易毋占便宜,
Bargain you not with the traveler who vends;
Share of your wealth with your neighbors and friends. (4)居家戒争讼,讼则终凶;
Don’t take into court your family disputes,
Unpleasant endings emerge from lawsuits;
To comport yourself well in society,
Restrain loose tongue’s impropriety. (5)勿恃权势而凌孤寡;
Use not your bow and arrow
To bully orphan and widow.
Do not dumb animals slaughter at will
Your appetite greedy to over fulfill. (6)乖僻自是,悔悟必多;
Egocentric people grow
Much regret and sorrow;
Lazy, slothful people sow
Poverty tomorrow. (7)施惠勿念;受恩莫忘。
In proclaiming your virtues go slow;
And be mindful of mercy you own. (8)凡事当留余地,
Leave room for retreat
When trying new feat.
You will try, try in vain
To repeat windfall gain. (9)人有喜庆,不可生忌妒心;
Don’t envy other’s success;
Don’t gloat o’er other’s distress.
(注:o’er即over,为了译文的音律而采用缩略的形式) (10)善欲人见,不是真善;
To brag of the good you have done
Will never impress anyone.
Personal scandals you try hard to hide
Will soon be known far and wide.

精品小楷书法朱子家训 朱子家训品读(英汉对照)

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