个人通用简历 2013年各行业通用个人英文简历


  Tom P. Thompson

  1551 Camden Street

  Reno, NV 89501

  Phone - 775-335-****

  Email id - tom.thomPSon@gomail.com


  To obtain a Human Resources assistant position




  Teller, Bank of America, Atlanta 01/05 - present

  Educated customers about bank products

  Referred products for sale to personal banker

  Resolved instant issues for customers

  Provided transaction services to customers.aIhUaU.com/zl/转载请保留

  Office Assistant, Southeast Dental, P.C, Atlanta 01/04 ¡V 01/05

  Filed dental insurance claims

  Verified patients¡¦ dental coverage

  Scheduled appointment for patients

  Answered basic questions regarding patients¡¦ benefits and claims

  Registrar Office Assistant, Georgia State University, Atlanta 06/02 ¡V 05/03

  Filed and Mailed out Transcripts and Verifications for registrar office

个人通用简历 2013年各行业通用个人英文简历

  Prepared tubes and mail labels for graduation office

  Prepared microfiches for records office

  Filed students¡¦ records

  Tutor, Gainesville College, Gainesville 06/01 ¡V 08/01

  Tutored middle school students in math

  Helped students understand the basic concepts of middle school math

  Sale Clerk, Sears and JC Penney, Gainesville 06/99 ¡V 08/01

  Responded to customer inquires

  Assisted with customer needs, and cahier


  B.B.A in Management, Fall 2005


  Strong customer service, highly responsible for the position, ability to accept mistakes and make improvement, fluent in Vietnamese, Microsoft Office 2000.爱华阅读


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8188171/658637827.html


税负率及各行业税负率 2015年各行业税负率

税负率是指增值税纳税义务人当期应纳增值税占当期应税销售收入的比例. 对小规模纳税人来说,税负率就是征收率:商业4%,工业6%,而对一般纳税人来说,由于可以抵扣进项税额,税负率就不是17%或13%,而是远远低于该比例,具体计算: 税负率=

税负率 2015年各行业税负率

[url=http://liuxinyu2009.hi.blog.163.com/blog/static/1325791022009101411588306][color=#ad8674]增值税行业平均税负率参照表[/color][/url][color=#ad8674][/color]增值税行业平均税负率参照表税负率=应交税金/销售收入 即係=(

2016年各行业利润率 涂料行业返回正常利润


2016年各行业利润率 金融业利润率最高的子行业


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