形容出色完成任务成语 怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?

As a native English speaker, here’s the most important thing I’ll say about making a good English self-introduction. As long as you can express your thoughts to me and what you want to say, I don’t really care how your English sounds. Meaning, it doesn’t matter to me if your accent or grammar isn’t perfect.

I mention this because I believe many people get too nervous worrying that their English isn’t good enough when speaking to a foreigner. They overthink it and focus too much of their attention on their words and sentences. But to me, I just need to understand the main points of what you want to communicate to me. I’m fully aware that English is your 2nd language.

Mostly, I pay attention to what you have to say that may be interesting to me. This is true whether you’re saying it in English or Chinese. Here are 3 examples if you only have one minute to leave a good impression on someone:

1) Talk about something they do or care about. For instance, “I read/heard that your company focuses on/is known for/values talent that/etc. . . .” This shows that you’ve done your homework and are familiar with what they do.

2) Talk about something that shows your insight(s) into what they’re doing or care about. For instance, “I’ve been following your company/industry/technology/etc. and understand that you’re paying more attention to/expanding in/trying to/etc. . . .” This shows that you have a deeper interest in what I do.

3) Talk about something you’re doing or are very interested in that’s related to what they’re doing or care about. For instance, “I’m doing an independent study/working on a project/doing some research related to your company/industry/technology/etc. . . .” This shows that you can bring something of value to what they do.

When trying to make a quick, good impression on someone they want to impress, most people will try to mention something about themselves. However, saying something related to what others do or care about makes a stronger impression. It shows your preparation, level of interest, and potential value to them, which are all good reasons for them to take an interest in you.




1) 说点对方做过的事或者他感兴趣的事,举个例子,“I read/heard that your company focuses on/is known for/valuestalent that/etc. . . .”这些话可以表明你是有备而来的,对公司的业务很熟悉。

2)对于对方正在做或者对方感兴趣的事,发表你的见解,举个例子,“I’ve been following your company/industry/technology/etc. andunderstand that you’re paying more attention to/expanding in/trying to/etc. . ..” 这些话表明你对这个公司从事的事情非常有兴趣。

3)说说你做过的跟他们公司业务相关,或者你做过的与他们比较感兴趣的领域有关的话题,举个例子,“I’m doing an independent study/working on a project/doing someresearch related to your company/industry/technology/etc. . . .” 这些话可以表明你能够给公司创造价值。



Btw, here’s something important to add. This perspective and approach for making a good self-introduction in English also applies to key work situations, like when you’re speaking with or presenting to senior managers who are foreigners.

In these situations at work, it’s the same. Your accent, grammar, or how slowly you talk doesn’t matter that much, as long as you have something interesting to say and can make yourself understood. Especially when speaking with your senior management, it’s the quality of your thoughts and ideas that matter most, not how good you sound.

One candidate that I interviewed for my career development book, Develop Yourself As A Future Executive, Today, understood this well. In his job, he often had to communicate with senior managers, many of whom were foreigners. For a long time, he would always get very nervous speaking with them in English.

Finally, he figured it out. He realized that these senior managers were not judging what he said by how fluent his English was. Instead, they were assessing his ideas and thoughts. If his ideas were good and his thought process was solid, then whatever he said would sound good. By focusing more on what he was saying and making sure that it had merit and weight, he became more confident and much less nervous speaking to others in English.

I can absolutely confirm this. I’ve been a part of many meetings that have involved someone presenting something to other foreigner managers and executives. Not once have I ever heard someone say afterwards, “I don’t like his proposal, his accent is too heavy.” Or, “His grammar isn’t good enough for me to consider his recommendation.”

If anything, it’s the opposite. As foreigners, we really make an effort to understand what you have to say. We’re not interested in being critical of your English skills. We know it’s your second language. We just want to understand your key points and ideas.

So if you want to communicate effectively as a professional, if you want others to buy into what you say in work and business situations, then focus on the quality of your thoughts and validity of what you say. Actually, this is how you communicate effectively in any language you’re speaking in.

Btw, if you’re interested in a webinar on the topic of, How To Communicate More Professionally And Effectively In English In The Workplace, then join me for my next Career Success Webinar Series broadcast next Thursday night, 10/27, from 1930 – 2030pm. I’ll be sharing many more insights and tips that will help improve your English communication.


在工作情境中运用英文道理也是一样的。你的口音,语法,或者你说得有多慢不重要,只要你言之有物,而且能说清楚就行。特别是, 当你在跟你的上级和高管交流时,你们的谈话质量大过你一口流利的英文。



我可以确认他说的绝对是对的。我曾经参加过很多会议。这些会议也有很多外国经理和高管参加。我从来没有听到过他们哪一次开完会后说“我不喜欢他的提案,他的口音太重了。” 或者 “他的语法还没好到让我愿意考虑他的建议。”



顺便,如果大家对此类的话题比较感兴趣,我下周四10月27号下午7:30-8:30将进行一个“如何在工作中用英文专业并高效地沟通”的微课,全程免费。我将做更多关于如何在工作环境中提高英文表达和沟通能力的分享。感兴趣的话,关注我的微信公众号:wangliyazhou, 报名我的微课,来听听看~

形容出色完成任务成语 怎样出色完成 1 分钟左右的英语自我介绍?


If you need help performing well in your job interviews in English, join my aihuau Live tomorrow night (Thursday, 1/19)! I’ll have many very practical tips & examples for you on this topic!




更多职业发展的精彩内容和专业知识,远见和建议,请关注我的个人微信公众号:Larry聊职商(LarryWangABC),专栏:,我司微信公众号:王李亚洲资源( wangliyazhou ) ,微博@,LinkedIn:


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